Getting stomped by Varya

Honestly early game I was stomped by Varya and couldn’t even get close to her at first especially with taka on the gank. Somehow we managed to split push 2 lanes while our mid was mowed down. Honestly I have no idea how we won this

There is no Lyra. Are you talking about Varya?


Don’t you just hate when Lyra doesn’t even get picked but she still stomps you?


Sorry haven’t had much sleep this week. I’m running on 15 hours of sleep for the week

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Looks like their Idris was their weak link with which your team broke the enemy chain.

Noooo, this post was so good. Why, Bob?

No one will understand it anymore.

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I understand, Bob. The post is forever in my heart. You gave me the first chuckle of this day.

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Lyra too OP lmao. 10/10 needs nerf.

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Well, WP Varya is way last week. Considering their Idris was no threat, Metal Jacket may have been the better choice there. Maybe Husk… but I don’t see the benefit of Aegis in that match.

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Varya didn’t go to work until after I bought aegis and I didn’t bother to change out as I was busy pushing the top lane while Varya decided to focus on the jungle and team fights

Wait, is WP Varya even a thing anymore? Wasn’t this nerfed…