Get to know other forumers thread

I’m just a casual player and forumer moving from old forum. nothing special

Hey, I’m Skieblu from the OG forums. I joined the game a few weeks before Samuel was released (like August 2016). Even though VG was my first MOBA, I learned the game fairly quickly and reached tier 10 bronze around June-July 2017. I am a captain main in 3v3, but I’m unsure what I’ll play in 5v5.

I don’t like giving away personal information about myself, but I can give some random facts that won’t hurt to share:

  1. I have only played VG on an iPhone 5s with the items running horizontally like on a tablet (yes, the items get really tiny)
  2. I am left handed
  3. I am neither the youngest or oldest forumer given from what the posts above have said
  4. I have never partied up in a ranked standard match. I only do solo queue for ranked. I plan to do this in 5v5 until I reach the highest rank I can alone

well then from today I will use gender neutral words. I will refer to everyone as ‘they’ instead of he and she. That should help( or it may backfire and everyone reading my post will be confused as hell)

Lols. Hi im dooogeee and im usually late to post
Much like this one
lol. Im from the salty SEA server i main CP top but im open also to other heroes.
Anddd yeah. Theres nothing much im also a filipino skl :koshkalaugh:

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Sheesh man that’s too confusing can u simplify it for me fam?

Ola, i’m Dachi and i hate writing long posts.


Any particular reason(s) you don’t enjoy writing long posts?


Sapphiree here. Also came from the old forums, yes that funny guy. I started playing during Reim’s release and stopped for months then played again during NS Taka’s release.

I am a very versatile player, can fill up any roles for them team, also I like off meta :stuck_out_tongue:

Ps: am from the SEA, good stuff really. Ign’s NiceMice

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For example I if wanted to say “he wants to play ranked” then I will rather say “they want to play ranked”. So no need to mention the gender. I have seen a lot of youtubers doing this.

I will add you then.

30 characters

Yeah I’m a big xeno fan :stuck_out_tongue:


There is nothing wrong with genders. There are 2 and there is no need to go neutral.

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Going out on a limb and saying you’re a close minded 30 something year old white male

Nice, I haven’t gotten into Xenosaga yet, but I’ve been considering playing em.

The bs KOSMOS pull rates and NG+ tomorrow in XB2 is rlly what’s stopping me tho

There is xx and xy dna wise… Two genders the rest are people in an identity crisis trying to find a way to destroy there genetic identity because they don’t like it. (Psychological issues or trauma included).

Biologically there is nothing else.

Call me close minded all you like but that is basic science…

Sex isn’t the same thing as gender. Sex is biological (chromosomes, internal/external sex organs, etc), gender is social, and based on what society says is masculine or feminine. How you express your sex (clothing, body-shape, voice, posture, etc etc etc) is gender. This can take lots of forms beyond a simple male-female divide.

But this is very off-topic, so please don’t derail.


A very very modern approach with which I hardly can agree but I won’t derail any further.

Quit the game when they killed the TH in corner strategy myself. It arguably wasn’t the greatest thing but it wasn’t harming anyone.
I was in a great clan with a lot of adults who had kids and all, it was pretty fun playing and chatting with people over 10 years older than me.
The game wasn’t seriously that good, but it had the best in-game community, something VG doesn’t even comes close to…

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This. Literally this. I have a lot more respect for you (certainly wasn’t lacking before, but still)

Tbh I would have rather had people say they identify more with the opposite sex’s behavior and acknowledge that they are what they are rather than saying they ARE said sex/gender. I like to be accepting, but realistic as well at least.

This’ll be my only comment here about this tho unless there comes a thread discussion this topic kek