Fortress in 4.1

Its normal. It just resets his basic attack which some heros can do.

The ability itself doesnt do alot of damage but how you use your build to allow it to do so. Items such as :vgitem_tensionbow: or :vgitem_aftershock: gives him the burst damage.

Yeah but they build him with stormcrown , so he does the true damage with the ability then his basic attack does the aftershock proc , The range is op with that damage , he could kill anyone behind the turret .

This thread is for bug reports, not for discussing pros and cons of Fort. Make a new topic if you intend to continue this.

Fortress was a potatoe for a long time , being in the meta must be a bug , even if I discuss his pros and cons Iam talking about pros and cons of a bug hehehe , I thought it was his A range , but his A damage is very strong he could half health any carry from 9 m range attack .

I know fortress is a popular pick now but his A deal a lot of damage , I played him in blitz bots match and in practice and everytime I use my A I watch him and I noticed he is doing double attack one with the A basic from his ability and then he attacks another basic attack afterward , is this normal because I didn’t see anyone talking about fortress .

You just said it yourself.

Its the items thats doing the job. He always had that (AA reset) in his kit.

What? Im confused here and I see why it was removed from the Bugs list.

What I meant that second basic attack is too fast , like if fortress using it on a moving hero he still going to hit the second attack , I would compare it to baron double attack after jumping .

Fortress is a point and click hero with the lowest skill cap in the game. He’s either going to be potato or annoying to deal with. I’d say delete him but I’m biased

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