Forced Microphone Permissions

The point is: Once you granted the permission, the App can access the microphone without further notification. Even if the App is not running in the foreground.
That’s invasive as hell, and people ought to have the choice whether they want to allow that or not. Making the permission mandatory (or accepting it as an end-consumer) sets completely false standards.


You can always deny permission after playing and switch it when you want to again. Yeah it is a pain but it is a way around it

@Wali there’ll be an optional hotpatch soon where you can refuse the mic permission :^)))

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The community at work! Great job, folks!

That said, I agree completely that this is yet another example of their shitty testing procedures. Who programs an optional feature without testing all the possible options? Who signs off on a code merge without checking that the code, you know, actually works? Wtf???

I swear, it’s mind boggling.


Again: Thank you for making this issue your own, even though you were not affected yourself.
I can say that there were a few times over the last days when I honestly felt like playing again, so these forced breaks may have their good sides, too.