Finally I and my friend (mostly my friend) have found out a SAW rework that will punish noobs

So basically a Parabola :no_mouth:

Crap. Forgot the damn name though learned it 1000 or more times

You forgot Skaarf. Also if SAW wasn’t countered by every mage he’d be a nightmare to play against, things are fine the way they are imo. Also please no more RNG in VG, it’s the single most thing I hate in any video game lol.

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Actually this is mostly my friend’s idea. Mine is simpler.

Saw’s role isnt meant to be straight up bring his machine gun and kill eveyone. isnt his role is to pressure the enmy team by split pushing. Yes he sucks 1v1 be he is a monster splitpusher which i think is a reason enough for him not be deleted.

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A splitpusher needs to have 1v1 capabilities. This contradicts to your answer mate.

“Punish noobs”. Youre literally punishing people for stuterstepping

Punish noobs for mispositioning. If you are positioned in a bad location, you may have to run n’ gun, having less accuracy. If you are positioned well, you can dish out massive damage without afraid of being blown up and missing shots. SAW was designed to be a sieger. Now I will promote this more but as an anti-infantry sieger, not anti-turret.

with max steady stacks, each ‘bullet’ would still have a 25% chance to miss a moving target, the only good position in this case would be unselected in hero select.

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Siege tatics are meant to be on defenses so I don’t see how your changes improve anything

Tbh, as a SAW main, I’d love SEMC to remove SAW. If they consider him as “balanced”, I’ll tell them to remove SAW entirely.

Not only on defense but also on offense. You can siege a location, harass your enemies under their turret then blow it up.

"The term siege is defined as the action employed by an army of surrounding a fortified location cutting its inhabitants off from escape or resupply while being attacked."

Please rethink that

Are u sure about that mate?

Yes resistance to offense aka defense

Look at the 1st meaning mate. It’s offense. The 2nd meaning is defense.

Aftershock: 14% Max Health…
14 x 10 = 140…

Maybe 1 small shot will deal the Aftershock damage or the full damage of the Aftershock is spreaded out into 10 shots.

Ok @Satanicsoldier @idmonfish @ThePinkOtter @Dachigenius @Dooogeee @Alhunt @MacAulay @ANGERY @HiHi @IncinerateZ Ok I have changed his perk slightly to make it more consistent. Check 'em out.

honestly if you put your works on a forum people are going to have something to say about it. you can’t expect everyone to see from your point of view because they have had different experiences with and against saw. reworking a hero is always going to have dissent among the community, mostly because people like and are used to how he is now. you say that you change him because he is easy for new people to use and has many counters. let me break it to you. all heroes have counters and this is a good thing . its not going to change, either no matter how many reworks they go through.

sure some people have more than others, but that is okay. it means that part of the skill when using saw is to know when not to pick him. plus mages usually counter snipers because most mages use range while snipers rely on murdering their enemy first. sawis not alone in having many counters.

also. having a hero that is easy to use is god for a game. koshka is one of the simplest heroes btu can still be used anywhere throughout the rank system. Tony is a simple hero that newbies can use easily and this is fine.

saw is a hero who is meant to be simple at first so you can easily play him well, and once you know how to play the game better, can be stopped from wreaking havoc in the middle tiers. then once you have mastered the game he can be used once more, in the high tiers.

all i’m saying is you need to accept others views, and possibly play baron until you get into tier 8-10. but creating changes that you think will be beneficial to the game is fine, as long as you are prepared to admit when you have made a mistake.

also who is this friend you speak of get them on the forums owo

i think i may of used the wrong words in some places but hopefully i conveyed my meaning effectively

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