It deserves some love, it’s very useful, used to have to build stuff in practice mode to test things but this makes it easy. Plus you can compare with other builds to see what works better… even has ability DMG thrown in, amazing work.
Wow thank you so much you two! It means a lot to me that it’s functionally helping players out and helping folks to enjoy the game!
Also, do note I still need to go through the game and update all of the recommended builds for carries and junglers. @Nivmett was kind enough to let me know recommended build changes weren’t limited to captains yesterday… so I’m planning on doing this over the next couple of days.
And lastly… there’s some (hopefully) cool stuff in the works!
Coming soon is a VainGlory icon library and web font. Which means @hazeleyes can have easy access to in-game vectors for our awesome community here if wanted! And @HipsterSkaarf can have easy to grab svg’s of stuff to use in his work, too!
(Also as FYI, I made a flat file of all of the base stats which is on github so everyone can use it! BUT you maybe should wait a couple of days, cuz I gotta update those jungle and carry builds on my version and then push all the new recommended builds up to the github repo. They’re not in there right now. But if you don’t need those then have at it!!)