Erm... I really don't want to say it. But matchmaker? A little wonky right now

I knew our Vox Lyra and Glaive were good players. Especially when I saw that FNT tag on Vox… but…

#81 5v5 NA
#61 5v5 NA

Don’t look at my miserable score :frowning:
Wasn’t fun laning against Kestrel 3 ranks higher than me


Matchmaker has definitly been a little wonky lately. I posted a similar thread to reddit a few days ago showing 5 matches amd tier spread from those games. It was horrendous to say the least. (I am POA bronze and had teams full of CT or lower)

However I have noticed some improvement over the last couple of days. They are making constant tweaks to the MM from what I know. Time is also a factor as everything needs to balance out from initial placements, and the bugs that came with it from the get go.

To be honest that’s not even wonky…
The Matches are like that now.

Look at this for example…

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Please clear your notifications thanks


I can’t stand stuff like this. It makes me wonder how cluttered that device is and how many apps he has open because he never shuts something down.


It looks so normal now being matched up with someone 2 tiers above. I am T7 silver and get constantly matched up with POA/VG players in both my team and enemy team.


I can understand the tier difference problem in MM but matching up soloq players against 5 man party is a problem.


Trust me matchmaker is 10x better than it was a few days ago. I was as bad as casual queue. I’d say matchmaker is fine rn just sucks u went against Finest rip

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The benefits of playing with and against vainglorious players is the chance to learn from them and step up your own game.


Or to be frankly, a complete clustefk of a matchmaker.

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:neutral_face: :expressionless:

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