Dumb Question, but any tips useful tips or heros to pick to push myself to tier 10 bronze?

Play as an aggressive top laner and hope your bot is good. If you are aggressive with the capability of knowing when to back off then the jungler will never gank you. Push lane to do proper rotations in your jungle or enemy jungle. The bot laner tends to be a squishy pick so this is particularly easy to do.

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I’m not talking only about the damage lol, more mobility, range… in general, late game baron is far more dangerous than Kinetic.

I still find MID as the easiest role to climb. If you are winning mid, then you are shutting down the enemies late game carry. If you force the MID out of lane and creeps die under turret, you are starving the MID and the CAPT. You can also easily gank either outside lane. Often you can win MID and keep TOP from falling with good rotations.

Winning BOT means you have lots of gold, but you can’t do anything about your TOP laner feeding. Most of your BOT laners are single target damage dealers which isn’t as valuable as a CP AoE hero.

Baron shouldn’t be getting through drafts. He is the highest win rate carry in the game.

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Personally, I find that the best Bot WP carries for climbing (Other than the Queen of Permaban, Kinetic) are

Baron: Big lategame megaoof. His midgame ain’t bad either.
Kensei: It’s Kensei, what can I say.
Vox: It’s Vox, what can I say
Idris: Squishy murderer. Getting good at WP Idris bot will win you countless games where the enemy goes a bunch of peel and squishy backline.
Ringo: Duelist B O I. Kills things really fast and can get snowballing well, but doesn’t perform that great in teamfights.

It’s in order of recommendation for the big solo carry.

To everyone saying go Bot lane.

Bot lane is the most contested lane. People become toxic over not getting bot.

I have seen people go afk over not getting bot…

Top you can always get reliably…

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I know that feeling… whenever I soloq… 4 people choose bot… meanwhile i am the captain or top.

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Yup and then you see a god tier VG gold who wants to bot and gets denied and then troll you…

There is far too little communication possible in vainglory.

People slam ML for being an inferior crappy game, but guess what they have a working chatbox and even an option to auto translate.

Half of all Toxicity is lack of options to communicate.

Auto translation is gonna take time… but slowly…

and i hate when VG gold player does… that… so unprofessional… Just be a team and help out even if you can’t get your lane…

In his defense he had bot lane as second pick and the last pick went double bot lane leaving us defenseless for top.

I was both top cath and captain cath at the same time that match … Think 1v2 is bad?

That match was one of the reasons I haven’t played since My I am done for now thread.

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One trick a hero.

Play one hero, one hero that is decent in the meta but rarely banned. I like playing Idris, because he has great out play potential.

Mid or Bot is a good pick to carry yourself, if you can do an aggressive top laner thats good as well.

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I get tired of pinging it, more often than not I’m 10 minutes in and not a single top lane rotation. You can always tell decent players, the roam actually rotated to help occasionally.

Agree. Hero mastery is important. I play a lot of Varya in 5v5. She is rarely banned/picked, has good range, a global Ult, more escape or engage than most MID heroes due to her long dash, can play very aggressive, and late game can melt an entire team.

If you primarily solo queue, then you should master 2 heroes for each role. That’s 10 heroes out of 42 that you feel you can consistently outplay opponents if forced into a position. Learn the top 4 bans in case they get through, your go to 10, and exclude the bottom 5 heroes from your pool.

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I enjoy playing churnwalker so i just let my teammates pick there heroes. I mean if my teammates like killing alot i might as well chain my victims and let my team do the work. I noticed that when i use churnwalker we win most of the time so eh

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