Does cp Gwen need a buff?

Then there is no difference between the paths, which is something SEMC wants, also, Vox’s passive is not useless for wp, it’s allows him to bully the enemy laner, helps him for farming and applies resonance for his A.

But it’s not a priority, I know it can be done.

There are actually very few heroes who can’t diversify into other paths. Roams like ardan/grace/Lyra/adagio can do it, junglers like taka/grump/petal/ozo can, laners like vox/Ringo/idris/saw can. This is just a small example, more than 50% of the heroes in the game can easily go different paths

took me awhile to find this loool its lastweeks match up i did the most damage. Even thoigh joule was the powerhouse. Its imsane i can chunk enemies even with armor

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Neither Ringo and Saw are viable as CP, I still hadn’t seen a WP Ozo.

Its kinda easy focus on energy items rush your CW and HC so you can have your A every 3 sexomd wcich helps on clearing huge waves

Saw was viable in cp path in 3.0.If you don’t think I am not experienced enough to say this go and view excoundrel speaking about it and Hami used it frequently , Not a top pick but viable for sure. Wp ozo was op before 5v5 global release and got nerfs because of it

Atleast in 3vs3 I had 75+% win rate with CP ringo (poa). It’s viable atleast to that level, dunno about above or in 5vs5. Didn’t play much of a 5vs5 with him (even as a WP) + his B cooldown was nerfed.

You said it all: WAS, both of therm were viable, but not now.

Sorry you’re right, I meant his perk has no DMG amplifier…

And yeah you have a point they’d be very similiar. I just don’t see her kit making her viable as a CP mage. One DMG ability every 3 seconds when at max build is kinda crappy really; they’d need to massively reduced the cooldown on her A which would in turn break her WP path whilst also turning down the CP ratios.

One player doesn’t mean the hole player base, I has ~85% WR with VOXPort in Vainglorious, does it means he was viable?

Agree whenever I see a CO Ringo I shudder it’s usually some low skill tier player trying to abuse his C.

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And uses that ult when he knows a reflex block is available

True, but real CP ringo is not about C at all, I don’t even max it. A maxed is a lot more useful to me and impactful. :slight_smile: you can see noobs in any hero path, sadly some are mostly popular among them making things like what you do while maybe I am standing in that choice and can pull it off even better (vs the enemy composition) compared to WP ringo. I generally have a lot of games and high win rate with ringo tho. Suits me I guess.

Yeah not saying it can’t be played, I was forced to use it recently and maxed A/B and carried a match hard. But and it’s a big but, he isn’t great into some of the recent meta picks and his WP path is stronger right now assuming you can stutter AEO well.

No offence intended (you see a lot of bad CP Ringo players), just annoyed when a I see a CP Ringo selected in midlane when they’re are bette choices to be had.

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Agree, I would not pick him currently(except special cases in ban/draft picks), just was saying. :slight_smile: cheers!

Good CP gwen is a disaster. You have been warned.

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All meta truly is is personal preference plenty of heroes that aren’t mets are still great picks. Cp saw he is not meta but get a player who knows what they are doinghe becomes great

I tried Cp Gwen and she does feel very under powered, so i tried Hybrid to get her perk to refresh faster, but the burst was just so low.

The one thing that shines in Cp Gwen is her long range ULT, it is a skilled shot and sometimes still out of range, even though the range is quite large.

It does make a difference in the game outcome, to be able to snipe down fleeting enemies. Stealing the dragon, for example.

The burst from her A can deal with groups of enemies really well and with a CW, the ULT is up every fight.

I wouldn’t say Cp Gwen is better than Wp Gwen, but definitely worth playing. If you can land those ULTs, it’s a game changer.

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CP Gwen is an alternate side path, and shouldn’t be attended to balancing wise the same way someone like Varya should be.

If you want CP Gwen to be to be an actual hero, she needs something added to her kit as rn her gameplay just isn’t as fun, skillful, or engaging as other mages or skirmish heroes.

I personally would like an effect added to her B:

If Gwen receives damage while blocking, reduce the cooldown of Buckshot by 0+1% cp ratio. Max of 3 seconds.

This would lean into her skirmish poke path, and open up more skillful play allowing her to return enemy poke damage.