Does Anyone Here Still Play VG:CE?

I still play vainglory ce with my friend everday!|690x318


They didn’t fix anything after they saw WR alpha. Timing was spot on and followed with the video explaining how they will stop any progress and won’t even fix the big issues that are in the CE rn.

As for the game, I played 1-2 weeks ago, dodging 8 times in a row + for sure atleast one troll that on purpose wasted as much as he can in draft to dodge at the end and I wasted 40m till I play a single game. :slight_smile:

@TheInterpreter posted in another thread, but one day after WR alpha the game was dropped in China too and switched to CE:

Yeah I did see that one, thanks though! I’m more hyped than anything to finally play WR seeing as mobas/moba types are pretty much my favorite genre of game. Would love to see a new and revamped vg one day because its unique enough and feels different enough to still happen but hey.

I’ve recently learned how to git gud with Amael, though his ult is, of course, just a LoL mechanic rip that makes no sense in vg.

If only VG had kept its own core identity yet learned to build on that.

Yeah, another if only post.


Just seeing your screenshot - the hero icons - Catherine, Alpha, Ringo, Varya, Flicker… - just makes me miss VG when it was in a more polished state. The direction my life has been, and will continue to be heading, I’ll never play desktop/console games again (haven’t since about 2011/2012). I luckily stumbled upon VG in mid 2017. Was so great to play a MOBA again.

Anyway - most of you know my story. Just makes me nostalgic even seeing the “faces” of our VG heroes. I haven’t really been gaming since I stopped playing VG several months ago. Got to 20k+ trophies in Brawl Stars. Over it. Got 2 accounts to 5k+ in Clash Royale - don’t have the desire, time, nor money to get cards to levels they need to be to compete beyond that. Over it.

With Leb Jr only getting more awesome to play with, I’m not sure I’ll be much involved in any gaming community aside from the outside looking in - even with WR coming out.

Anyway - :cheers_boba_t3: to VG!


I just found out how to use skins thanks to this forum.
I hope semc unpauses their development on vgce.
I will probably never play wild rift even if semc is selling them touch controls.
I rather play a broken vg over all that other crap.
Graphics, heroes and style in general was adult and high quality.
3v3 was a dream era. Unfortunately they never truly accomplished an attractive 5v5 meta. I can’t stand all the other comical mobile crap games.
I wish semc big success with their catalyst black so VAINGLORY can rise from the ashes as an eternal beloved community home. THX SEMC for keeping this art of a property alive as long as possible.

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Even if their new game was a success, I doubt that VG could make a comeback.

No comeback necessary. I’m already happy to have my profile back a friend list and start games with my own party. That’s all I need for my satisfaction.

99.99% it wont happen, sadly. It’s cool they didn’t completely shutdown the game, but it’s the most they will do for a little bit more before shutting down the last few servers for good.

Let’s hope that you are black painting. If they shut it down completely, they surely sell their licensed properties regarding vg like touch control and others. Once this step is completed its maybe easier to publish an community or open source version. The new rights holders probably has to agree to that but let’s hope they would. Why should wild rift fear vg f.e.? But please don’t sell your properties to blizzard or Disney. TU

Don’t really intend to rain on your parade, but that’s extremely unlikely to happen for several reasons:

  1. Why would anyone be interested in the VG IP? The game engine used in VG is quite old at this point and hasn’t been updated for the latest hardware and OSes.
  2. Literally no one is interested in touch controls or they’d have added them to their own games by now
  3. SEMC have already said they have no intention of releasing the code to VG
  4. Blizzard isn’t interested in the MOBA space (RIP HoTS)
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  1. That was no serious point by me. Just bashing blizzard and Disney for shitting on their properties and communities.
  2. I totally agree.
  3. I heard that too but I think the main reason for that were their patents and things…
  4. Please name me some games with high level touch control games without joystick controls or simplified touch controls like f.e. c&c rivals/lor/hearthstone or clash royale.