CP Lyra in 3.7

yes, lyra’s kit is her HUGE advantage! 12 range with her sigil! and her sigil if well placed, it deplete and detonate half the enemies health easily allowing you to bully and slow the enemy with her AA attack or her B… her sigil throughout jer game is what makes her shine…

but have a husk and you won’t lose any health. The fact that it has a relatively high cooldown doesn’t make it reliable enough either.

Nah, she is top tier, she is safe with very good poke (with big AoE), a free scape/engage. She is overall very good, and possibly top tier right now.

The same applies to Anka but shes still viable and still top tier despite husk being a big part of todays meta.

ugh no. Reason being again due to skill set, and pick any CP orientated champ, they all come off quickly. Anka has skills that come off quickly. Lyra is mid tier for a reason.

ok so broken myth is wrong and you are right, gotcha.

Watch the pro streams, you will see what we say about Lyra.

lol conversation settled…

Damn never thought CP Lyra is meta again. Yes please


TBH everyone who says lyra is not top tier:

XenoTek says Lyra is the possibly the best midlaner rn
CP Lyra is seen just as often in VGPRO Pro History section in 5v5 if not more than the rest of the mid laners.
Lyra’s viability is unquestionable mainly because she still appears often and is picked by the pros to a high success rate.
If you check the pros who use CP Lyra, their winrate for CP Lyra is actually quite often higher than Malene, Celeste/Samuel or Skaarf, and their KDA is also higher.
There is a good reason why Lyra also has the highest average KDA among all heroes in the game which is her CP path.
The only reason why her winrate is so low is because her Captain path was nerfed and she isn’t very good in lower tiers.

PS: if anyone has seen how much damage can CP Lyra output, it is more than Malene, Celeste, CP Kestrel and Samuel to an extent (depending who gets ahead)

If you question CP Lyra’s viability it is like you are questionning the pros who use her really often.


well you questioned excoundrel soooooooo

Who is worse than all the pros.


and SeaRegion thinks i am a troll for using cp Lyra but end up with highest kda or kill…

Lyra is so verstile in almost all situation and her damage output in game is scary… all the most to use her


CP Lyra power creeped because of all the Varya orientated buffs. She’s Varya but better throughout the game and has fewer counters. The only thing that can counter Lyra would be Celeste but only 5 people can play her properly soooooooooO


and this entire post is about why he doesn’t put her top tier?

you were saying???

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This is starting to get really off topic



not celeste lol

30 chars …

Actually Celeste was one of lyras counters when she had that fat A range but now shes back to being a potato.

Shes no longer kiter but the kited.

Celeste has more reliable burst than Samuel, has a stun and when landed it usually puts the opponent in a bad position, and has an Ult with the potential to one shot squishies. When mastered any nerf doesn’t matter, when everyone is playing her it’s because she’s usually GG even in the hands of people who can’t properly land her stun.

She is THE Lyra counter. And will always be because of how their kits interact.