Catalyst Black at iPhone 13 Event

My bridge has already burnt down so imma refrain from saying anything opinionated since it’ll probably be negative. But good for them tho since we’re finally seeing some progress :potoo:


Interesting … the game looks great in those clips, but that monetization model (and the fact that the game is obviously P2W) is such a turn off.

The psychology of gambling — and that’s what the gacha/chest/loot box model is, after all — is very interesting. By design, it takes advantage of humans’ poor understanding of probability to encourage players to spend far more than they would otherwise.

We’ll have to see if this promotion by Apple translates into success for the game. It certainly did with VG, so perhaps CB will do better than we think.


I’m rather surprised they’re at the iPhone 13 event, then again I don’t really pay attention to Apple events nor what makes it in, I wouldn’t expect semc with their history of vg now to get into another Apple event tho

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but VG was something quite more unique and original + hit hard on the notes of all PC MOBA fans and on top of that the graphics were phenomenal compared to the current games of that time. It was not just good locking, it was wtfomg better looking than anything else + was not p2w in it’s worse variant.

Nice for showing in the apple’s event tho, I guess they still have some connections.

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