Can you please stop nerfing Malene?

malene against kestrel is actually easy if you have vision. dodge her 4 shots… it’s predictable.

slow her, light B, root her, swap, attack, get close to her, dark B to slow her, dark A …

if you wanna go up against kestrel, always kite parellel to her not behind her or in front. that way you can avoid her A shots

Not sure what you mean by “numbers”… her A as you point out is a speed boost and a aeo heal (also does huge DMG if built CP). Her B is one of the best CCs in the game, providing slows, blocks and decent DMG. And her C when used correctly can be devastating. We’re also ignoring her empowered attacks which slow when they land (Taka loves them). Since launch she’s never been out of the meta, they’ve nerfed literally every bit of her kit and she’s still considered OP.

Sure Vox has been nerfed but that’s mainly his ult (which was ridiculous back in the ole CP days) and his CP ratios on his basic. I won’t deny that he has always been or close to being meta, and I doubt this will change (his kit is very good).

But Lyra just has more to her, she can roam, she can jungle and she can lane, her kit is loaded. In 3.4 they’ve nerfed her again and she’s still the top captain pick for high level play in the EU.

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You mean when Malene doesn’t perform well.

The problem with that analysis is that it works for all heroes… Neh Celeste was fine I just beat one who only did 22k damage…

By numbers i mean that she is always meta because her numbers are high (healing the same as Adagio but per second while having the same cooldown, outclassing every other healer). Her B is no longer one of the best CC in the game, sure, it stops dashes from going through the wall… but thats it. She is been 2-3 times out of the meta, specially when they nerfed her healing (not the burst heal). Theyve been nerfing always the wrong thing on her. Also, i dont see lyra in jungle.

Vox: they have nerfed his ult, the A, the basic stats, his attack speed, the slow, the ult… everything, he is the most nerfed hero in the game, and he is still meta, only going out once is a lot more time than lyra, and unlike her, not due to high numbers. He is been meta thanks to his kit, lyra is as malene, stacked and with high numbers.

In 3.4 she was nerfed… a little bit, but thats because the new items benefit her the most, and the nerf was a joke.

Other mid laners have range and AoE too. She doesn’t.

lyra was miss nerfed 2017 for a reason… lol and she can jungle depends on draft

Her B does more than just stop dashes it also slows them by 30% and her empowered attack by base 35% plus health ratio… in 3.3 with a echo you could abuse B, having it down for no more than 4 seconds at a time, that’s insane given the implications. They nerfed the duration and without an echo it can’t be abused. I realise people used the echo for her A bit I found it very useful on her B

Whic patches was she not in the meta?

As for Vox I agree he is almost permanently in the meta, guess my point is so is Lyra. But again I could just say it’s because his “numbers” are high. Anyways guess we can agree to disagree on her if you want, but personally I feel she’ll always be a meta captain as she’s just so loaded.

I didnt say you cant play lyra in the jungle, i said i havent seen her.

She will always be meta because her healing is broken and they never nerf it, but yes, we can agree to disagree.

If you want broken healing see Adagio, I’ve churned our 100k in a 5v5 match, the burst heal tops out between 600/700 late game every 5/6 seconds plus a 120-150 for the heal over time, it’s adound 800 a pop.

Not that I’m complaining, he deserves some time back in the meta it’s been to long.

lyra heals almost 3 times more than Adagio.

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Every game I played Adagio against Lyra I healed 20k + than her.


Really? See I looked this up on VGPro and Adagio is down as the number one healer in the game right now, sine he is played as carry on top as well I’d bet his pure roam path has even higher potential. I regularly top out at 75k plus with Adagio, andhave reached 6 figures on occasion.

Sure her A probably has more potential, but the problem is nobody stands in it for the full duration during team fights and skirmishes.

Clearly she still meta though bhas cause her B is one of best roam abilities in the game.

Vox has also been completely reworked resetting all nerfs and buffs diminishing that argument even though I understand where you are coming from.

They nerfed it several times and even nerfed it last patch… What are you talking about…

You, but if you see the different stats of both abilities you will see what im saying.

I was talking about healing potentia, to max it they should reciee the full healing, if not… well, Adagio can heal more.

Only the cp path, and it wasnt a rework, none of his abilities changed, they only gave him CR on his AA.

Sorry, i dont know what “it” are you refering to.

Lyra’s healing ofcourse…