Can we have a "what?" Ping


Looked this up on VGPro and it has Adagio down as the number one healer right now.

Depends. If you build poison shiv and don’t die but wait out lategame then that is perfectly fine with me.

Someone permanently dying and asking for help is not fine though. That is just a bad pick…

I just find they get snowballed hard usually, and then late game the team lacks tankiness (then again I play back line roams so that might be the issue).

I refuse to play frontliners when there are only ranged carries.

The melees will engage and the carries will run away at the first hit they get. Leaving the melees to 1/2v5 this then leads to a snowball.

There is no way to communicate this kind of stuff…

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I’ll admit to complaining in draft sometimes.

When they lock in ringo, Celeste then your top goes CP Kestrel I can usually tell what’s coming early game.

Had someone chose CP baron a while back and I pointed out what a “clown pick” this was (I know it’s toxic to say it), his response was “support me all game”, like yeah that’s sensible. He got snowballed obviously because he could farm early game and was constantly ganked by glaive.

In SEA, every ping can be made salty! I once had this guy spam the cheers ping while pinging green pings on everyone after we lost a fight. Like what did he think it meant? Go drown yourself in beer? :vgcheersx3:

‘What’ ping or question mark ping was exist in some updates ago and sadly removed by the devs because of the toxic behaviour to use the ping. After that we only used the rest pings which hard to understand.

Nothing is more fun than to :vgcheersx3: and do the ping glitch to reach 500x

im not saying im not toxic but its fun…

Only the sound should had been toned down. Otherwise any ping can be used in a toxic way.

Recommend the defense item needed. This option is still in the game.

What’s the ping glitch?


if u hold down the map while selecting (look at one of the videos to see the specifics) u can reach a high number of pings

I NEED this to work the next time I’m playing with my guildies … lmao


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