Bugged Item Board?

Iv got this weird bug going on where if i open my scoreboard anytime during the match (where it shows both teams build paths) my frames drop to like 5…
Its actually ridiculous how choppy the game gets all of a sudden, Iv never had this probably and doubt that its a phone performance issue because im rockin a OP6 so im not running on a potato

Anybody know a fix? Anyone else having the issue?

At first it wasnt big of a problem but when i need to shop and i check the scoreboard to see what i need to build against and then i get caught by an enemy with my pants down and cant react due to lack of frames…

Yeah thats a really annoying bug.
(only happens when there’s a guy with masteries in the game btw)

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So that’s why.

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You should update your game now, they’ve fixed it in 3.9.4.

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Thanks a bunch!

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