Bug: Heroes will not basic attack after blinking/dashing

Idk, im still un update 3.4, i have no idea about her abilities stats :frowning:
From what ive seen, A, then B, C, then passive. This way you port behind your enemy and can hit him with all knifes (B) and clones (C ), dealing massive damage. Thats for bursting. I think i prefer using the C to dodge and trying to stick to the enemy (try to hit him with all clones while dodging CC). I also think that before engaging, poking with you B is a must to be sure you can kill the target.

I take stuff personal because this was my exact point on which you compliment him but dismiss my opinion…

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Without C you have very little damage, your C is your main damage source. Her ability damage is pretty low…

I dont know stats sorry :frowning:

some images of her abilities would be nice :slight_smile:

I mean if ur in the heat of a fight, shouldn’t u already be playing attention to every detail =_=

BF has this same problem but it doesn’t bother me because its not that hard to re-select the foe

It may not be hard but for that second you arent attacking anyone and can easily be bursted down, right now im practicing playing her against BOTS! and am still getting bursted down because of not being able to finish off the guy since I have to retarget (click off and click on after blink)
Whats worse is I almost never see the damage proc making me think its going off on minions or something because I am not seeing any hero suddenly take massive damage, Maybe im just proccing it at the wrong time


True, i forgot about heros like ringo where every second counts

I’m having the same problem – I think it’s why I didn’t realize the role that AAs ought to be playing in her damage output.


Yeah not to mention certain abilities that require you to be pre-aimed on the target. Nothing like tapping an ability to try to secure a kill in a neck & neck fight only to lose because your spamming the ability thinking you’re still aimed on the proper target but suddenly for some reason you aren’t. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been SAW and needed to get a knife kill to save my skin, used my B and pre clicked on the target to use my A right after try to finish him off, only to be standing one inch away like an idiot not hitting anybody because suddenly the game just decided I wasn’t aiming at them any more. Again, an absolutely pointless mechanic that might make it more skill oriented at the pro levels but really just makes for awkward gameplay.

I mean, they’re literally forcing you to make an extra tap for no reason other than if you don’t make that extra tap, you’re just sitting there. That is not a satisfying mechanic at all. And it doesn’t feel like you lost because you got outplayed. It feels like you died stupidly.