Balancing heroes? Is it really balancing?

Okay, lemme present a few facts! Nowadays, whenever a new update comes up, either two/three specific heroes are always banned! Always means always! Their so called balancing hero actually may refer to buffing several heroes only to be get banned for sure! Is it really balancing? If CP joule hits you with her B, it takes you to half health, no matter how much shield one builds. Is this balancing? Or actually marketing? New skin, new buff, new meta (= if you play with this hero you will win 90% for sure). I don’t get it, don’t they play on the patch before releasing? Its a inevitable now that a hotfix will follow the update within a week or so! Man oh man the devs are really useless as far as balancing concerns. Nivmett used to do it better perhaps, but now idk what they intend to do with each patch anymore!

If you look at the history of skins and balance changes you will see there is no relation at all. The heroes that got skins, in that patch they were ~50% untouched, ~25% buffed and ~25% nerfed. Though I agree that balancing is quite bad.


Its always been the case every patch certain heroes are either must ban must or most pick, its not trait specific to vainglory only you see that in other mobas as well you can never reach a point where every single hero is balanced that doesn’t work. This patch is pretty good if you ask me they fixed the primary issue which is the 2v1 camp bot meta, my only complaint is that wp carries that dont build tension bow are very lack luster

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Yeah but look at league of legends. I was watching the esports the other day and they had loads of different picks to go with, and loads of different bans. Sure, they have more heroes but still, SEMC should be able to balance better.


You could literally predict with 100% accuracy the picks in worlds 2018. The balance needs desesperatly to improve.

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You talking about VG or LoL here? cause I didn’t pay much attention to LoLworlds, but I agree with you on VG. There’s always one or two broken heroes. There was worlds 2016 Lance, then there was Grumpjaw, then there was release patch Varya, and more recently Anka. now it’s Malene.


VG, I don’t watch LoL. 3030303030

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Ah. I do agree with you, although to be fair it was partly also due to counterpicks, and that’s where VG just doesn’t have enough heroes. Or maybe just not enough balanced heroes…? I dunno.

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League has 146 champions and each team gets to ban 5, the numbers of draft paterns is exponentially higher. Plus you would see very repetitive bans in solo q games.

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Actually most wp carries are going sorrowblade, poisoned shiv, bonesaw, or some variant of that. Tension bow is decent but maybe even slightly underwhelming for most heroes, which is how it should be, it’s a very specific item geared towards burst.

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That’s what we thought about worlds 2017, we said the meta was terrible and one dimensional then the pros pulled out almost every single hero in creative ways. If there was worlds 2018 you would certainly see a huge range of heroes, and an entire meta develop and evolve over the course of the tournament as players learn what works at the highest level. I’d expect we would see teams entire style of play change as the meta isn’t too well figured out right now since there is really no tournament play to show it off.

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There was, and if I’m not mistaken, the bot meta was kinetic-Silvernail-Silvernail-kinetic. Did I mentioned Silvernail and kinetic? In mid we saw: skaarf, Celeste and Vox. The rest of the picks and bans were the same in about 95% of the matches. That leaves about…14 heroes being used? 16 for those 5%? It was the same heroes time and time again.

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Actually, people getting new skins (typically their first skin) gets nerfed hard.

There is no relation between skins and balancing. Heroes that get a skin get nerfed as much as buffed.

Exactly my point! Their balancing is weak, even if none is gonna admit ut, its the truth!

Think about now as well! 3v3 its either baron,magnus, joule or cel > always these heroes… In 5v5 baron, magnus, cel every game! churn is always banned. Last updatebit was lorelai who got almost 100% ban!

Yep true! silvernail or kinetic, fixed! cel or varya fixed! when anka came out, anka was played or banned every game perhaps!

Which carries ? Silvernail is no longer played, the only hero that runs that build is Kinetic but she no longer is top priority in bot anymore its mostly Gwen Baron and Lance and they all use tension bow builds.

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We are talking about last worlds.

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He replied to my post where i said non tension bow carries are luckluster this patch

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