Balance Justice Court

You didn’t need to do it on the vain crystal, I’ve seen people doing it with lane minions back in 3v3 allowing them to port back and buy without losing any time, that gave a lot of advantage to anyone able to use it.

That’s very very situational. She needs high level otherwise she loses lock. Then she needs to recall right next to minions and then she Suri strikes back without the ability to cancel, meaning if someone is waiting for you there you’re dead. Is it really worth it? Never seen anyone abuse it or even try to and never seen anyone complaining about it.

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There’s this BF one trick named RockBomber and he used this build which was BS PS BP in that order so I copied it and played it top lane. I did surprisingly well with it in the top lane so possibly its a really niche build for good BF players…

ATM, A cp vox with AC DE EOH can almost 1v1 a ringo with SB BP TB. Thats not supposed to happen lmao.
AND YES VOX IS SUPPOSED TO BE A MAGE WITH NO 1v1 POTENTIAL, cos if you want the 1v1 potential, you go wp. Other mages cant go wp.
And no, CP vox is meta right now and kinda OP. Especially in 3v3. 5v5 not so much. But considering SEMC does both balancing together, CP vox + Ardan + krul/alpha/glaive is really strong in 3v3 right now.

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Yet other mages rely on their own skill and has 1v1 potential with a lot more range and reliable damage.

Giving that WP Vox is dead I don’t see a problem.

Can’t agree.

He is right now not even top tier in 3v3.

False, they have been trying not to break too much 3v3, but they only balance 5v5, at least until next update, when they said they will take a look at the 3v3 state.

Krul is broken in 3v3 doesn’t matter with who you pair him.

Alpha is meh in 3v3.

Glaive is shit in 3v3.

Ardan is also consider 4th best support pick.

Edit: you can’t just nerf his 1v1 damage because before they buffed it, CP Vox was straight up garbage, so nerfing it will send him back to that state, and given that his WP build is dead, you can’t just kill the only viable build as every hero needs to be viable. The updates prior to 3.8 he was struggling to maintain himself relevant as a CP hero, the only reason why he is now strong is because other mages got nerfed hard with the energy, bring them back and CP Vox falls. Also, the energy changes were another nerf to WP Vox as he was the only sniper that got nerfed. If they bring back WP Vox I’m okey with nerfing Cp Vox, but right now I’m not as that would basically kill Vox.

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I see cp vox picked in every game. Its either him or CP idris. And I am talking about Vainglorious level. Maybe we are just different servers? And yes alpha sucks but its all about the cp vox. Alpha just has to stick to opp carry and just tank the damage lol.

3v3? I also edited my comment.

44 posts were split to a new topic: Reza, L3oN, &c

A post was merged into an existing topic: Reza, L3oN, &c

A post was merged into an existing topic: Reza, L3oN, &c with a side of bickering

Enough of the bickering, folks. I moved almost 50 posts to a new topic for that reason. If you want to talk about balance issues, this is the thread to do it in. If you want to argue back and forth with @Sandiha, do it in the other thread.


40 posts were split… Holy crap

Also nice name :joy: Reza, L3oN, & with a side of bickering


Mathematically there is not reason to go BS before PS, I’m sure it’s a good build but that order is wrong even if it’s what RockBomber uses (he’s an amazing player ik).

PS is cheaper, and gives lane sustain.

The build actually makes a lot of sense to be though, as BF’s A has a flat execute in stead of a WP ratio now, so the attack speed let’s hit engage with ult, stack quickly, and execute asap. Bonesaw, BP, PS also means he pretty much can’t lose a duel. Honestly with PECO making kensei work top lane, I would not be suprised if BF comes back as a top lane since the tank meta there is dead.

The difference is that BF has the stats of a squishy, not a bruiser.


Well, that’s true, he’s not indented to be a bruiser as much as a duelist, and the insane slipperiness of his kit especially after the rework which means he can use his A to juke and escape in stead of just chase reflects that.

No warrior bruiser should be able outplay like an assassin, that’s a recipe for an overloaded hero. BF should never be able to front line like Rona or Kensei, when he has the dive and escape of Reza. BF is closest to WP Idris in playstyle.

I hate when people say his new A is good because of that. He had speed boost for a short while after leaving the trail as well. It could again be used for escape against target that’s in point blank range. Yes it lasted a bit less BUT it didn’t decay and you were unslowable. No amount of speed boost will let you escape for example GJ A, while rose trail could do that.


Not only that, BF was designed for sustain, yet they “rework” his A to burst, so he is neither burst of sustain, he is right now, nothing. An assassin with no mobility (too much cooldown in his ult), no ability spam, no burst; or a bruiser squishy, with no sustain and with half his kit.


Exactly, he isn’t near impossible to escape anymore, it was a nerf. Blackfeather was near impossible to balance, because had too much chase potential. He’s A stoped him from being slowed, and lasted way longer, his B slowed, and his ult (while on a longer cooldown) was similar to how it was now.

Sure they could have toned his numbers down, but the only way to make him balanced would have been to make him have pathetic damage output, because you sure as hell couldnt beat him by getting away. If you design a hero to have both unlimited chase, and focus on 1v1 dueling similar to Krul, you have a problem.

New BF actually gives you the potential to get away which means they cane tone his damage and other stats higher. He still has tools to chase, his ult is especially potent, but not to an insane degree like before.

Frankly, if you all think old BF was somehow a good thing for the game you don’t have an amazing handle on game design and balancing.

It has way too much cooldown and the focus cost is too much, not even talking about the fact that right now he plays with half his kit.

I’ve been using it because I can say and justify that I am probably the 2nd best BF player in NA considering the amount of BF players there are right now. I have to still improve on my mechanics with him such as using my Ult to do damage and as a Reflex Block.

BS is better than PS btw. Since I level up his A first I get that mid game one shot potential which BS further increases with it shredding enemy’s base armor or additional armor. I’m considering getting making PS and SM interchangeable but the infinite lifesteal and attack speed seems too good + it’s cheap. BP is just a staple for someone with this playstyle.

I’m going to test the same exact build on Kensei in a future ranked match. It just makes sense that it would work, though Kensei does require raw WP…