Balance based on winrates

Lance is bugged RN, his aa damage is really weak for some reason.

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Ofc BF isnā€™t doodoo it was supposed to be taken in a persuasive way and not a literal way. Heā€™s viable but not as good because a different bot laner can be easily picked instead. Even if he does well in the early and mid game one fed opponent becomes hard to deal with in the late game for BF because of his extremely low defense. If Iā€™m going to have 20-50 defense Iā€™ll just play a ranged hero, if I want someone who does just as much damage and can stick to opponents Iā€™ll play Glaive and Kensei both having 20-60 defense and their own ways to survive. Itā€™s just surprising to me how SEMC after all the nerfs and his poor WR havenā€™t realized that.

And Anka in my opinion isnā€™t a high skill cap hero. She isnā€™t designed around positioning and positioning enemies/allies like Lorelai and Lance. Sheā€™s fairly easy to play. If she were to be high skill cap it could be instead when you hit a knife you instantly blink. She can wait to dash in, she can choose not to blink in, she has invulnerability, and she has a point blank ability that isnā€™t really hard to hit point blank with. Also everyone in her release patch said sheā€™s fun. A high skill floor hero is only fun until you master her and Iā€™m sure not everyone did that immediately. But no matter how hard she gets nerfed she will always be permabanned because her combo is instant death for any squishy.

High skill cap heroes need punishing factors (Lance root, Lorelai pool delay, Silvernail stake delay, Idris being removed from his Ult, WP Kestrel using her B properly, and some more that Iā€™m forgetting). Iā€™d rate Anka as a medium difficulty hero because you need to land skillshots. Thatā€™s my opinion though.

For some reason after that hotfix that nerfed Silvernail everyone (myself included) decided that Silvernail isnā€™t ban worthy nor pick worthy. And damn all the freelo everyone missed out on. Iā€™ve been playing SV more and more and heā€™s basically the perfect carry. Not only does he get himself ahead but he can easily get his allies ahead by providing traps and such. He splits teams easily and his Ult practically always stuns unless youā€™re trolling. He needed way more that just that nerf, or Iā€™m beginning to get really good at Silvernail by playing CPā€¦ but his WP is actually disgusting in this meta because people buy SH instead of MJ so you proc 700 damage with double TM. If his B still had the slowā€¦

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Yet he has seen 0 competitive play in NA and EU, only picked 5 times in EA, 4 of them were loses.

They didnā€™t even allow him to be played for the first two weeks of the patch and VPL started sometime before the patch that had him was even released. He wasnā€™t seen being played in competitive, because no one was playing him in scrims so the moment he was allowed there was no reason to pick him.

If joseph decided to pick Petal twice into another team that is playing at their levels and picks up 2 wins does that mean Petal is good? Jeez competitive play =/ viability in the game.


He has one of the lowest pick rates of all heroes, being a new hero thatā€™s quite strange isnā€™t it? But he is also under 50 WR, and his ban rate has ven going falling every day. They pressed the panic button, and then they nerfed him almost as much as kinetic, the best carry in the 3.6 update. He didnā€™t deserve all that, specially not when neither kensei, Varya, Malene were patched 3 days after their release even though they were not only op but broken.

Do you even play this game anymore? If you do, do you ever play heroes other than the ones that get established in the meta 1 week in the meta? I donā€™t want to make it sound personal, but all you use is data. Just raw data to make a point. If I say Lance is shit and then pull up his WR there is no argument to counter that. And when someone brings up their personal experience with the situation everyone begins to go balls deep and saying ā€œWELL THATā€™S HOW YOU FEEL AND HOW YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED AND NOT EVERYONE ELSE.ā€

Iā€™m only a VG bronze player maybe thatā€™s high ELO or low ELO idgaf but Kinetic never gave me a problem. Imo the most OP WP hero is Skye and for some odd reason sheā€™s underrated AF. Sheā€™s mobile, has a slow, stun and more slows. She also has just as much damage as the other ramping up heroes and has even more mobility than the other ramping heroes. Her most recent buff which gave her health made it impossible for any hero that have proc or burst builds useless against her.

Kensei is a slip up they thought making his early game garbage and making his late game equal balance. And tbh its understandable and makes sense until you realize that a good chunk of the playerbase donā€™t know how to play early game properly depending on their comp. Thatā€™s the reason why Idris doesnā€™t see much play despite being incredibly strong. People are too aggressive on the wrong heroes and too passive on the wrong heroes.

Varya had an unintentional build path. Who tf builds WP on a CP hero? Sure sheā€™s AA based but that doesnā€™t mean you should build WP on her. And it was the same update where I reached VG silver so I didnā€™t really have much of a problem shutting down Varya as a jungle main.

Malene was perceived to have a high skill cap until people realized that all of her abilities can easily be spammed. People who can land skillshots can play her, people who canā€™t land them canā€™t play her, and people who can land skillshots on key targets were straight up oppressive (making it a high tier favorite). She was also stacked and this was the devs first time working with a hero that has two sets of abilities.

Silvernail had a ton of CC and high damage. They simply lowered the range to make him on par with the other ranged heroes and to make it less awkward when working with stakes (as a person whoā€™s played a bit of games with Silvernail it felt weird landing a trap but being too far away to AA and vise versa.)

Now I get your point and where youā€™re coming from but let me make this statement: Reza is sitting on a 49% WR and the meta right now is all about hypercarries and having three tanks. Since there are three tanks there is no way for bruisers such as Glaive to slip and get a kill and then safely get out. A hero that can easily go in and out would be: Reza. So this meta should be perfect for him. But it somehow isnā€™t. That only means two things: the community is really bad with him because his CD is too punishing or he does not do enough damage to kill the target and also get out safely. This means Reza should be buffed the following patch and receive some decrease in cooldowns and increase in damage so he can effectively do what he is supposed to do.

Hopefully, you understand what Iā€™m getting at, and not only use WRs but also your personal experience with the hero so there is something to be said.

I can talk in win rates as well and talk about how much of a god I am being able to beat someone in the top lane with WP taka against Kinetic, who is the most broken carry in the game (according to WRs) atm with a low WR hero.

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My experience: Silvernail is mediocre at best, Iā€™m yet to see one winning. Kinetic was op last update and Skye is meh.
About Varya, Zekent said that her wp path was intended to be viable too.
For kensei, when they ā€œnerfedā€ him for the first time is wasnā€™t even a nerf, his late game didnā€™t suffer as much and his early received a huge buff.
Malene: she was op, far more than Silvernail, yet no hot fix was released against her and yes against Silvernail?
Silvernail: yes, but itā€™s still a hard nerf, a nerf he didnā€™t deserved.

When did 2 votes start passing a surrender? I donā€™t remember ever hearing that and the last time I played a 3v3 ranked the 2 other players tried to surrender but I blocked it by declining and that was this patch so can you please tell what patch number this happened in because I havenā€™t seen this in 3v3 where from what Iā€™ve seen you still need 3 votes to surrender.

I saw a post on reddit by a Dev. They took away the reduced damage to jungle minions. So rather than fix Lanceā€™s problem of doing so little damage to jungle creeps, they just took away the reduced damage altogether.

I believe itā€™s in the hotfix. I havenā€™t updated, so I canā€™t confirm this.

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This happened to minions as well donā€™t spread false information.

So you can confirm it because you updated right?

edit: i just updated and the result is:

lane minions still take reduced damage. Jungle minions take full damage.

You can block it a few times then it passes without you.
The problem is that several people will spam surrender so that they can pass it when they want to stop playingā€¦

I feel your pain , because I do sometimes play a game or 2 and my team try to surrender while there is a chance to win , but in the other hand I see why they want to surrender , try to play more games of ranked in a row and see yourself , I used to play 10 ranked games a day atleast , mistakes tilts me easily , especially if Iam playing early game hero like reim and the game is taking long time , there is no point of reim playing after 20 minutes his damage already fall late game , the only hope is one of the enemy afk , and thatā€™s why people not surrendering they are waiting enemy afk or enemy throw , which in my opinion unfair win , when I put myself in enemy situation it makes me feel bad for them all their plays and work went to nothing because their teammate decided to throw .

Discussion on balance based on win rate turns to discussion on injust 2 man surrender :thinking: