As If There Was Any Doubt; 3v3 (NA) Is Dead

Add me to that as well! IGN: VeritasVT - I just enjoy playing the game, ranked or casual. 5v5 is all about map awareness and working together as a team! That simple (and complex!)


Funny story…I was in a match and saw a player using Skaarf, and I was like, “OH! Hipster Skaarf! I should jump on the forum!!”

Haha, your name is infamous!!!

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Its just not 3v3, most 5v5 high tier players have moved to eu at this point

Saw that in L3oN’s stream. Rip NA.

Why? Won’t they have connection issues and suffer poor quality of play on their device? What’s the lure to EU? If I consider the switch, I want information as to why it’s so attractive/better than NA.


In EU we have some short of competition which means that more players play ranked regularly compared with NA (where, due to the lack of esports, many high elo players stop playing as often as they used to do).

So far they don’t seem to have any connection issues.
They are moving to EU because a lot of top players in NA left the game after the esports announcement, while in EU, for some reason didn’t. Because of that they are moving to here in order to have high quality matches.

Meh. I haven’t posted in a while but

@Lebatron I hope we haven’t lost your shining star to the salt.

It is not inevitable!

That is all. Well, 3v3 is unbalanced if you know what you’re doing and pretty much dead competitively, but that doesn’t mean it can’t still be fun. At least that’s what I’ve gathered. Pretty much any non 5v5 mode is like that though, the only saving grace of blitz mode being talents making some heroes op, which is again, a fun non-solution.

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Well, that’s sweet. I’m still alive. Somewhere wandering out here in the nether and churn. But alas, I have emerged. Haven’t tried 3v3 yet since beginning to play again a bit. I’ll likely stick to brawl, casual, and 5v5.

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Welcome back! I don’t blame you. I just play brawl mostly nowadays. It’s how I started and got good at this game anyway. Played 2 casuals last night and in the first one our jungler went 0/10/0, the second one i picked jungle and our last pick picked jungle too. I’m going back to brawl unless I got a party lol.