Anka AutoAttack bug

The other melee heroes who suffer from this is a bug. It makes sense that this is intentional for Anka because you don’t want to use her execute to early. You should try to stutterstep creeps and jungle monsters to make the clear go faster anyways.

it doesn’t make sense, because her perk refreshes on each kill. why would you want to wait when you want to kill stuff?

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Because you blink in throw your knives and burst them with the AA. If you burst them with the AA before throwing your knives it may be the reason why you don’t secure a kill. Enemies won’t be still anyways so you might just accidentally press AA on them when you meant to use your fan of knives. The bug is used intentionally there for more fluidity. The reason why it feels weird is because we never had a targeted blink hero before. We’ll all get used to it eventually.

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you’re assuming heroes would be at full health, which would work at that particular senario.

but most team fights enemy’s would already have some missing health and she shines at being the clean up crew and it is the reason why her perk and shimmer strike refreshes on each kill, so that she can instantly mark her next target and AA again. her Dance of Blades (B) has a 4.5 second CD, and it’s intended to be for those still at full health.

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This is where she shines indeed. But that requires team work. When an enemy captain saves their ally by a thread you as Anka suddenly go from hunter to hunted. Your skills are down and there is no way you can get away…

And yours is the perfect scenario. They have to be at least 35-40% health for that to work. Even if they had 50-60% it wouldn’t you’d need to use the combo I stated. For full health heroes you would have to do Dagger -> Blink -> Fan of knives -> Ult -> Throw Dagger -> Blink -> Clones come in -> AA. That’s assuming a squishy hero is purchasing Aegis. I’ve played 2 Blitz games with her though… and the rare talent gave me like 110% damage or something like that. Her A didn’t feel that damage heavy.

You did read the comments about how it is more fluid with Joystick Controls right? there is a clear difference between the 2 methods of input.

Isn’t that mostly because of how targeting works though? When you use joystick you throw the knife and press your ability. The hero isn’t targeted but still is marked so you use your blink and then your AA button which targets them. Unlike when we have touch where we tend to just target someone and then throw a knife and blink and since they are already targeted the intentional feature kicks in.

actually nope. i deliberately din’t touch the D-pad to test it out. it’s nothting to do with how joystick works.

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No i mean the circle around heroes that appear which means you are AA’ing them.

I haven’t had a problem with the execute yet but that might be due to stutterstepping with Taka a lot after chaining his abilities. So I think I’ll hold off on replying for a while till I actually see whats happening I guess.

i know what you mean. Read the above man. you’re making me go round in circles.

when you tap ability. and tap again to blink and tap AA to attack, it does nothing.

unless you own Anka and can go into a practice mode to test it yourself, it’s a tad hard to visualize

Edit: i would post a video if this forum allowed it.

This behavior is intended because you’re playing her worse if you AA before using your B or other damage. They mustn’t have determined that accidental autos which waste her execute were too prevalent during initial hero design and testing,

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I like it better this way tbh. There are very few circumstances where it would be beneficial to use your AA before finishing your combo, and if you wanted to you could always stutterstep. The hero feels very smooth to me, I don’t think I’ve had this fun with a new hero in a long time.

Well I don’t. Because I jungle with her and it’s annoying to continuously stutter step in the early game, when CD isn’t reliable enough.

Anyway, it’s intended. So I’ll get used to it eventually.

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can you please put a solved message thanks :kissing_cat:

Yeah…SEMC needs to fix this. You should definitely be auto attacking after your teleport without needing to stutterstep. And especially since joystick doesn’t have that split second hindrance that is an unfair advantage. Anka fighting at a sliver of health means that shes at a disadvantage when using tap controls. That split second could be the difference between you dying while stuttering or you getting the kill.


It’s not solved at all it is an issue on a singular control method namely tap control…

Same. Vox also hasn’t this problem with his Dash. So…uhmm…why an ability made to throw out basic attack literally make you stop basic attacking the intended target?
If this was intended on Anna, shouldn’t there be a pre-warning or a mention in Anka’s Hero info?
Great SEMC, now I have to deal with bugs to “master” a hero. Great job.


No one should be getting used to bugs or nonsense. I play WP Anka :))
Which is “perfect”…
Now I expect Taka to stop basic attacking after he uses his X-retsu to wait for his Perk’s basic so he can execute a target.
To basic attack or not, is my fuking choice, not the enemy’s, not yours SEMC.


Hows that going for you? compared to CP is it better?

I’ve tried it in practice, but not PvP, it seems ok. have you done it in ranked or casual?