Ancestor’s Proving Grounds

Instead of being a mass competition against everyone or win x games in a row (I thought it was a fantastic idea, but they have a very limited time frame and bad team mates can mess up a streak), it should work like the battle pass where you work towards a certain achievable goal that takes some amount of dedication for good rewards. It prevents mass rage from losing a good streak and encourages participation due to you only really competing with yourself. The team events are fine too, but I want more events like the one I described

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this is exactly how an event should be.
no stress, enough time and good rewards in the end for participating and no buy ins.
its really sad, but apparently the only two kind of events done by semc are check list challenges that are nigh impossible for free users or really competitive stuff with high buy ins and next to no actual reward.

even worse, they can be cheated and thats semc own fault for holding such events.

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the checklist ones aren’t that bad. 10 5v5 matches is equal to 5 hours maximum. Get some friends and finish matches together fast in 15 min in casuals. Reduces the time by half and thats in a span of 3 or 4 days. The final reward is decent enough especially because keys can be changed to 150 ICE.

They could easily make events with a 10k glory entry or 400 ICE and instead of a win streak it could just be a checklist of winning matches. best part is that it doesn’t go away until you finish it and no more extra buyins. It stops rewarding pros for being pros and lets players just play. sure it excludes people who don’t have 10k glory on them but the rewards being given are too good to let everyone have.

After that huge success they can create 5k versions and 2k versions. Winning is rigged at this point. SEMC’s goal should be to make players play, and possibly spend, with these events.

Sorry, slightly off-topic, but how do you do that? I tried, but couldn’t find the option.

It’s during the last days of the season.

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How did people cheat? Does ranking with an alt count as cheating?

No, but sniping players of you guild that let you win yes, people coordinated with other people in order to do that, the player losing doesn’t actually lose anything as it helps to lower the MMR to get easier match to make it easier to have a win streak, and the winning one will just win everything as he is in a 3v2.

As guest_87 said - sniping friends to easily win. Also a lot smurfed to be in super low tiers in blitz, winning every single game they play. Also some lose on purpose a lot of games, then entered the event and won easily in the lower tier.

The new event is also bad as if one loves to play 5vs5 it still counts as one game, literally making it blitz only if you wan’t to compete for the prices. They should have made it time taking average (they have that data) in every mode and if 1 5vs5 match takes the time for 5 blitz games, should have been 5 points for 5vs5/1 for blitz/3 for BR, etc.

thats quite a bad mindset to have.
events should never try to exclude anyone, especially new players who are most likely to focus on new heroes and dont have that much glory on their hands.

events should try to include everyone and get everyone excited by giving them a fair shot at the main price. they get everyone to play a little bit more than usual and by that increase the chance of them buying some ice or staying with the game for a longer time than they would have otherwise.

i am sorry, but if an event asks for 5h in two or 3 days, in addition to a lot more tasks, its just too much for an average casual player with a life outside the game. not to forget that not everyone can get a 5 man team together that easily.

events should never have a buy in. Period. adjust the tasks and the time and you can still give out good rewards, because that keeps players in the game to look out for the next event.

events that force a high buy in or, like the last one, a high premium buy in and the chance to stop your real life for one entire weekend without any notice before are not only bad events, they are a turn off for many players.

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having really good rewards with no pay in is basically asking for their digital currencies to be exploited. And yeah you have a point that its wrong to exclude people even though glory can be purchased.

How so?

Because re-entries exist. If they didn’t people would complain that they have nothing to do during that duration after they finished the event. Doing two Battleground events when you have a ton of Glory as an older player = free battlepass (if you party up).

(something else) And then you have the checklist events where there is a reason why SEMC has made it so people have 4 days to do it. It’s probably because the data that they made shows that most people are finishing it but then you have the small minority that doesn’t and claims that “oh casual players don’t have that much time.” The rewards for the checklist event is good and tbh they have the buy to complete the mission for a reason- it’s so if you don’t have time then you spend money (which is probably another reason for the time/data showing that everyone is finishing the event).

Good rewards have to come either with a long grind or some sort of payment needs to be made, or even both.

A little bit offtopic and not directed at you: The Battle Pass can be considered an “event” and we need more things like that except frequent, and SEMC should be scaling it along with the entry fee. For example, they can create a pass with an entry free with events that last forever. And this pass will be orientated towards wins because the Battle Pass already tells people to play a lot. The pass can reset every month, because it really doesn’t matter when it resets because you need to finish the first one anyways. They can have three different options for entry, all with varying rewards. 10k glory or 400 ICE, 5k Glory or 200 ICE, 2k Glory or 80 ICE. Rewards won’t be crappy like 100 Glory for winning a PVP match. Instead it can be get 50 wins for an unowned legendary BP. Basically a checklist on steroids.

That strikes me as just more evidence of a poorly-designed event, tbh.

I think that you are giving them too much credit – it’s my (educated) guess that SEMC has a lot less data to analyze than you might suppose.

Again, I think that these events are poorly thought out and not well executed. I see them as an example of throwing a lot of :new_poop: against the wall and seeing what sticks.

Hopefully they’ll learn something from these so we get better events in the future.

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first, there is no need for another buy in in an actual event. everyone can only do it once.
second, there is no need to give away the stuff the currently do to top players. instead of giving 2500 ice to 3 people, give 200/a rare key/… to everyone.

good rewards have to be fair and they should be easy to get, because only then they actually start to work as intended.

events that focus way too much on the “buy stuff or waste a LOT of time” are not events, they are a very cheap salestrick.

thats why they put a timer on the checklist events to begin with. nothing would stop them from making that timer longer, but then there would be no pressure to buy stuff. thats why those events arent working.

btw, giving basically the same reward for opening the summer chest and getting the battle pass (NOT an event. just a pay to make your seasonal grind experience better. the pass with the free entry is called sunlight level.) was not a good idea as well. i can only use one skaarf skin, they give the same amount of sunlight and look roughly the same in game, as i cant focus on the model during a fight anyway.

btw, 50 wins for an legendary bp isnt asking too much. it would be nigh impossible in 4 days for most players anyway, but with a longer time limit it would actually work as a motivation to play and bind the playerbase closer to the game.

events have the purpose to give your players an immediate goal that everyone can reach regardless of their skill. this makes them happy and happy players buy ice.
events should be more like the rona event. win one 3v3 game for 20 days in a 27 day timeframe to get a free skin.
semc could easily do that now with a free, unowned rare skin or a random bp, if you own all rare skins, and it would suffice as a good event.