Alpha the gapcloser

It’s just funny how you’ve been posting about Krul, then Alpha and I believe I’ve seen you commenting about Kosh all being OP and what not, and now you have the counter and are arguing against your own positions it seems.

After you go handily win against Alpha with Glaive , I’ll await your change of position that her A is fine and you just need to play her counters and wait until draft comes out…until then it’s luck of the draw.

When 3 out of the 37 heroes can handle something without guarantees or hard countering it is not okay.
34/37 heroes will have issues.

I edited my in game post.

I mostly play Blitz, but I do 3v3 when I have time. In my humble experience, an experienced Alpha is a team effort. No bones about it - if my teammate goes after Alpha, I jump in, and our other teammate jumps in and we just pound on Alpha, regardless of the consequences.

Generally, if they see Alpha go down, some will run off and regroup themselves. However, trying to 1v1 Alpha is usually not a good idea. 2v1 can sometimes win, but I’ve seen players 3v1 Alpha sometimes and still lose.

I don’t know what constitues as “broken” but Alpha is a good gap closer. However, in the context of strictly closing distance, Taka has the lead. I see more Takas and Koshkas bouncing around like nobodys business. Now this may be due to my tier (which I have no idea what it is because I never bothered to check) but its probably quite low.

I know that in MOBAs and even other games as well, players CAN mistake expertise for brokenness. I always take that into consideration. Is Taka broken? I don’t think he is - because I’ve seen terrible Takas, as well as good ones.

There was one match that I refer to as, “The Tale of Two Takas,” where we had a Taka, and the enemy team had a Taka…and both Takas were trying to out-Taka the other Taka. I thought to myself, “Well, hes keeping the enemy Taka occupied, so thats a plus.”

I play Celeste a lot and Taka is a hard counter to Celeste; its just the way it works. There has to be a counter because I mean, she’d be broken if she didn’t have a counter. In Alphas case, yes, she does have counters as previous posters have mentioned.

However, none of the counters seem to be the heroes you like to play. Alpha doesn’t deserve the nerf-bat because you don’t want to adapt - that is unfair to Alpha mains everywhere!

Use turrets while you have them. The best strategy for dealing with gap closers as a range is to take advantage of turret protection & stun/slow abilities while doing so. As for the jungle, baited treants can make a big difference when dealing with someone like Alpha. It’s easy to deal with an Alpha or a Krul if you can bait them into chasing you down into a turret for a kill, and if you can’t, baiting them into a team gank from teamates in the bush is another good option. Taking them on 1v1 is not advisable.

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Alpha’s early game is definitely brutal, but I feel Taka’s kit is way more of a problem because it is ridiculously loaded. His heal makes him way too durable, especially coupled with stealth and a speed boost. His cool down build is broken.

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Alpha’s range on A is pretty big but dont forget its not a guaranteed hit. Why you not complaining about taka C or grace A lol. Grace A has as much range and is a guaranteed hit. And theres rona that can crush alpha. If an alpha is chasing you and she misses her A you can easily run away. But rona cant miss her A lol. Shes sticky af too. SOme heroes that are good against alpha are cap baptiste with cw, lyra, reim, krul, rona, skye, phinn, ozo and even SAW(All you need to do is block the atlas)

Alpha is more of a assassin rather than a bruiser. Other bruisers like krul, rona, reim can deal with alpha without an issue. She counters squishies and get countered by bruisers. Dont think she really needs a nerf but she does play into most comps very well and is a generally good pick in blind.


Alpha has a longer gap closer than Rona or Grace. The range is a lot bigger.

Alpha can be killed yes but I’d rather fight previous patch wp varya than Alpha

Rona can disengage with her A without any conditions, alpha needs some target if she needs to disengage. Her A range is acceptable if the slow is a bit weak but she slows and gap closes which is tough for even Gwen to shrug off. Wbt wp grace this patch? She deals aoe damage and can destroy squishies as easily as alpha ,while she isn’t as tanky as alpha she has team utility to make up for it

So you don’t think she should have a longer cap closer than either of them, but why?

What i noticed as reim , i cant kill alpha in her reboot like before
I think they buffed her for 5v5 and made her hard to kill in 3v3

Once i saw enemy picked her in B side early so i told the jungler to pick reim
He picked reza , so i decided to go roam reim because my team countered themselves , and i really didnt expect that , but the game was super hard not because the enemy was good , but my team was so so bad.

Every team fight from the beginning to the end was like this , i go in then alpha show up run and stick to our carry , reza run and attack the alpha and they both die while i was trying to push the carry away , in all team fights i was attacking the carry and the roamer while my team attacking the alpha , knowing that the carry didnt build a single defense .

So alpha got lucky matching against me with a teammate reza who can delete the enemy carry in one shot but he refuse that and instead he tried to kill the alpha who wasnt the problem the whole match , if he relises that killing enemy carry means iam going to fight alpha with him next and easy win 2v2 let the carry die , we would win eaaaasssssyyyy , just like alot of bad players in 5v5 wasting time killing alpha and not focusing the carries .

I do this. Wp taka vs Cp taka. I love it. The chase is on. Out playing the enemy taka is fun. Really fun.

Because she is an indestructible tank and she already has the shortest cd gap closer in the game her B.
Her A range on overdrive is too much.

@Gatorrex you don’t see an issue with a tank assassin with long range gap closing?

If rona crosses a wall she can escape much like Glaive or Joule. However if no wall is crossed Alpha has her B and boots and a high cd Alpha has like 6 sec cd on her A…

Shes simply an all in assassin without a reliable escape. Her A range is pretty damm long on overdrive, but she gets that at lv 11. If you max her A first, you wont be doing any damage. Without the range, she would be pretty useless in the late game. Alpha seems unstoppable when snowballing, but so is every other hero.

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Alpha lacks disengages unlike Rona. Alpha had to commit entirely to a fight , if it is going wrong she can use boots and get out but that is the only reliable disengage she has

No. Every other hero does not require 3 man focus to be taken down…

Yes they do if you let them get way ahead of you. Especially for junglers since most of them utilize the TB or AS powerspike to get an early lead and snowball.

The scoreboard now actually shows the total gold for both sides as well as the gold for each hero. Heck theres an option to even sort everyone by gold. If you see someone with way more gold than you, dont expect to win them in a 1v1.

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A koshka Glaive gwen or Vox requires only one healthbar to take down. Alpha has two shots at life and can chose to not engage when her reboot is offline.

I prefer fighting taka over Alpha. I can escape from taka I can’t escape Alpha if she is any good.

I played her myself the other day. She feels like a powerhouse and enemy needed to solely focus me continuously to take me down. Even with 3man focus I had positive kda in a 3v3… 67k damage received. She is the tankiest hero in the game and plays like an assassin…

This was an uneven match due to our laner but I still performed.

Oh, you’re talking about 3v3…

Lmao 3v3 balance is so screwed up that half of the heroes are way too op and the other half are potatoes. I would say winrates would be the only good evidence to judge whether a hero is op or not but the winrates are mixed up for 3v3 and 5v5.

Good luck balancing both 3v3 and 5v5 niv and zekent.