OK, when did they raise kestrels wp limit for instant vanish from 200 to 250?
I swear, SEMC hates my building kestrel as a hybrid. When I started I needed sorrowblade and breaking point to get instant vanish, halcyon chargers and a shatterglass to have enough cp and cooldown to stay stealthed permanently so long as my energy held out. It was a great assassination build where i could essentially stunlock people with mist. Then they increased cooldown duration so i needed to make sure I would always add an aftershock to my build, fine. Then it increased again, so instead of sorrowblade and breaking point i settled with 2 spellswords. Now the wp capp has increased. seriously this is beyond frustrating
Well she is one of the strongest laners rn be happy about that. She had to be taken down a bit and she still has her bs CP camo lasting 10 heccing seconds