So let’s talk about the buff camps. The cp one located near the mid lane and the wp one near bot lane.
I’ve been watching some 5v5 videos on YouTube, and I see the jungler sometimes giving, literally asking the carry to take the buff, while sometimes I see the jungler being like “aw man he took my buff!”.
So, I wanted to share my opinion on this…thing.
Now, this is just my personal opinion, but I feel that the jungler should (just a generalised view, I’ll talk about situational stuff later on) most of the time be giving the buff to their carries.
The reason why I feel this way, is because your carry having the buff and the enemy not having it can be the difference between your carry dominating lane or being dominated. Ofc, the jungler should be around for the ambient, but that 1min30secs of lane domination, if properly capitalized on, can very well lead to a snowball.
The jungler could always try stealing it from the enemy, but it’s too risky for the carry to do that, since if you get caught out and die and you team isn’t quick enough to rotate there, you will lose 50%+ of your turret, if not the entire turret.
Now if I talk about it with more of a specific situation approach, I do feel that in some instances your jungler should have the buff. Suppose if the jungler is something like koshka or Samuel, who get their powerspikes very early on, at lvl 2. Then I feel that taking the crystal buff is a right choice.
But if you are something like a taka, who can’t effectively gank until level 6. then I feel that you should probably just settle for the ambient and provide an advantage to your laner.
Another thing, is that if you are a wp jungler, please don’t take the CP buff and vice versa. Be there for the ambient if possible, but no need to take it as it can lead to some pretty salty carries.
I would love to hear your opinions on this, because I’ve been told by people that the jungler should always get the buff no matter what, so honestly idk what I actually am supposed to do.
this turned out to be much longer than I thought