About that Magnus buff

Joule’s ult does multiple ticks of damage meaning you can take 50% (or even less) of the ult damage by just walking out of it. Magnus ult is one tick of damage, once you’re hit you get dealt full damage.


Normal People: Celeste is an immobile character with one CC to keep them safe while they spam large amounts of AOE damage at the enemy team.
Magnus is an immobile character with one CC to keep them safe while they spam large amounts of AOE damage at the enemy team.
Both of these characters are very team dependant. Celeste wasn’t that good on release because people didn’t know how to play with her and how to set up for her, but as the community learned, she became a lot better. Maybe not constantly meta (because sniper meta was around for a stupidly long time) but players like Spagetti could make her work in almost every situation because they were good at the video game. Hell, he even showed off how the character could be OP and ended up getting his main nerfed a few times and inspired jungle Celeste copy cats.
So, he should be left alone for a few patches as people figure out how to use his kit and allow people to learn how to play with and around him.

One idiot: He too weak look at winrate buff him now plz

SEMC: Yeah fair enough I can’t see anything wrong with that. +300 ult damage I think.


Compare the damage too. And what it requires to deal as much damage.

Fixed for you :slight_smile:

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I’ve mostly tried Magnus in blitz, so this may not be an accurate description of him, but he honestly doesn’t have that much burst potential(minus ult) unless you have very good positioning. That might just be because I’m bad with him, however,

Magnus ult = eat a full Joule ult

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Magnus ult=eat 1s of joule’s ult -150 damage when marked.

Does that include the Mystic Missile damage? That seems like the problem with his Ult. It seems his DPS and the width of that DPS is a problem.

No it doesn’t include. He needs to kill with his ult for that. The problem is how easy is to kill someone to start bouncing, and with that base damage, once it starts bouncing it’s gg as the enemy will be extremely low.

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The buff came online after he was available with glory. How will that increase revenue.

More likely they saw his low win rate, and community feedback saying he was weak and buffed accordingly, though it is a little overdone.

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He needs to have a mark on them though so sniping is inefficient unless its a high priority target.

What I said takes into account the mark bonus, but not the bounces.

You need a mark for the bounces otherwise the Ult just applies a mark. It’s a bad ult for anyone who is able to RB his mark, which I believe you can do.

The mark can be blocked true. But blocking the mark isn’t effective IMO. He can still mark you before using his ult. by the time they use the ult (at the end of the fight) you won’t have a block. It’s like trying to block the resonance when fighting a Vox. If he doesn’t apply it the first time, he will do it the second time. Wasting a block for that makes you vulnerable to cc, so why not just dodge it? But again, the problem isn’t the bounces.

After a few more games against Magnus, his Ult and the bounces in particular are a problem. In 5v5, it’s too easy to get blown up from the bounce damage. He can just backline, tag one out of position hero, and Ult a team down if a couple are whittled down a little.

I hate that instead of coming up with new mechanics for a hero, all they did was pull pieces out of other heroes kits. Anka’s Dagger, Idris Chakram, Joule Ult with Vox like bounces.

Thats not really anything surprising though, the last 2 heroes hardly have anything new either.(Yates-Phinn C,Grace B,Teleboots)(Generic forest girl-reim B,Lance B,Wartreads)

The problem is how easy it’s to start bouncing. With how kuch damage the ult has, you can kill anyone below half health an start bouncing, and even if it doesn’t, you already won the fight if they get hit by that.

All the new heroes for quite some time are pretty interesting and them being “clones” is just not true. Yates’ hook is nothing like Phinn, his stun has the same shape as Grace but he can move and chain with other abilities, his ult is the first of its kind. Teleport boots require ally minion or cam. Inara has literally nothing to do with Reim. Her B pushes back like Gyrhian Wall but it plays nothing like it besides the stun part. She does push back herself as well and she can jump over to people she kicked. Does Lance or any other hero do that? Her ult is better Warthreads true, but it helps her kit and is reactivateable for a long dash. It fits her kit. She can also jump through walls and huge distances to treants without any abilities.

Magnus also doesn’t play anything like Vox. His B is the same as Chakram but only visually. They are so different in-game. Idris tries to dodge it constantly to get more damage. Magnus has options. Either use his perk multiple times or stun for longer. Or even set up bounces target. His ult again has the same shape as Joule but how does that make them the same?

New heroes don’t have new “mechanics” like Reim’s fortified HP but they definitely do have many new things. It’s really not realistic at all to expect every hero to have completely new mechanics. Even if a hero does then someone will claim it’s similar to a hero from another game. People can never be happy I guess.


Who knows maybe he was always this strong and as people are getting better at him he is just a lot better. Maybe he is one of the worst low tier heroes due to his high skill cap. The moment players realized that they can bounce a wave using a B and A combo he probably just became a lot more easier to play…

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Doubt that’s the thing. I didn’t even know what his kit does and I found that out in my first 2 minutes of my first game. Just when you see A CD is more than 4 seconds and B applies the passive it’s obvious.

Besides that not saying he’s an easy hero though, I don’t really know about that.