About Joule

She wasn’t designed as a laner, she was described as a versatile hero. But was more suited to be a jungler back when. Also many other heros have parts of their kits that fit being a laner too but are they, no.

We dont have alot of viable ranged junglers either so… Plus most of the melee laners actually are viable. Reza, Anka, BF, Kensei so on

We really dont need more laners, theres a reason why the carry role is the majority of VGs roster. What we really do need is some unique roamers that would bring something fun to the roam role.

I would beg to differ, shes not as strong as she was 3.10 but she can easily overwhelm a opponent with little counter play in 1v1

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To be fair, it also takes 3/5 of a team.

According to SEMC we have 22 laners, so we technically need more laners to have the proportion.

Also @Bayou

Joule is classified as jungle, not laner, so as I said, I don’t understand why she should be the only hero with AoE damage that delas full damage to minions, specially when she isn’t even a laner. She has better farming in lane than those designed to be laners, even faster than those know for their fast clearing.


Exactly, I now rest my case.

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I don’t think you should to take into consideration what SEMC have put as laners. There are many exceptions or some wrong ones. Also Lance, Catherine, Ardan, GJ etc can all be used as pretty damn good laners in 5v5. They can’t label them as laners because they’re not in 3v3 and it’s not their main/intended position even if they do it better than their intended one.

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All heroes can be played in jungle thanks to SC and that doesn’t make them junglers. Those heroes aren’t designed as laners, they are just tanks being played in lane due to a “survive how you can” meta in top. When I say laners, I say héroes designed as laners, and right now joule isn’t, yet she has the best lane clear in the game and is the exception of a rule every other hero suffers for no reason.

Edit: this is off topic, so the discussion regarding the number of laners will end from my part here. As I said in earlier posts, if you wish to continue please do it in private.

Not being designed as laners doesn’t mean they’re not now. We need tank lane in my opinion. If bot and top are the same how are they unique positions? But even then if meta is this way they’re still laners. Not all heroes can be played in jungle either. If they can’t gank, siege or bring anything like that to the team then yes you can pick them in jungle but I can also go mid Ozo. Doesn’t mean it’s viable. You’re right that there’s many laners/roams that are good junglers though, and that’s alright. That’s why I’m saying don’t look at SEMC’s labels. I am pretty sure they’re there to guide new players. Not teach high tiers meta. Even if that was the case they’re soooo wrong sometimes. Just look at Inara’s utility stat in-game. Should be enough to never take into consideration SEMC’s stats/intended positions.

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Or Reza’s utility, which unless you consider death as a utility form, it’s none, yet they for some reason said he has.

Touché. But I don’t think either that we need any more roams, I actually want more junglers, but damage bruisers, not utility ones (because outside of their position, utility heroes ~= roams).

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Yeah man same. I want jungle heroes that are actually designed to be 5v5 junglers. Like Inara, Ylva something like that. I do enjoy more heroes being viable but basically now we have unique heroes for their positions. Like ADCs bot, mages mid, tanks/supports in roam and top positions depending on the hero’s kit. And then in jungle we basically have many heroes that are literally everything and just don’t feel like they wanna lane right now or heroes that have 1 really OP trick to get ahead like Reim’s Boots + B or something like that. And some heroes that are good carries but just don’t fit a lane. I can basically think only of Skye and even she’s kinda playable in lanes, talking about CP.

So yeah I agree that we need new bruisers (unless they thinking about fixing what we already have but I don’t think that’s even on their list so…). That’s something that makes me dislike San Feng even more. I expect to like warriors usually. He let me down.

I actually like him, but I was expecting a damage dealer bruiser, not another utility one (by damage dealer I mean heroes that build damage, like Glaive, Rona, alpha…).

Oh I don’t wanna diss the guy or anything haha. Just saying I got disappointed myself as I usually like warriors (so far all of them lol).

About his builds I don’t know. Never played him in real game yet. Only tried in practice and his mechanics seem so boring to me. But facing him though… oh boy. I get that he has fortified HP, CC immunity and that insane base damage. Ok. But the damn stun on A just tilts me. I feel like epic talent Lorelai hit me with her A when this guy stuns me. Like usually if a hero is very OP I either ban or find a way to work around it. If I know they’re OP it’s annoying but I expect it and I don’t mind it that much. But his A is the first thing since Varya’s release state that just tilts me. I just can’t stand that ability. Why does he have such a long stun on that ability? I just hope they fix that next patch.

Since the release of 5v5, she has been played as a laner. I remember the Celeste, Cath, Joule stun stacking comp so I know she has been played as a jungler. She probably is seeing mostly jungle play in 5v5 right now. She has always been a high scaling hero and lane has usually been the place to earn the most gold. I think there is a defining characteristic for melee heroes that determine long-term most viable position - ranged abilities that are not repositioning abilities. This is seen on Joule, Reza, BF, Baptist, Anka, San Fang, etc. Heroes like Rona, Glaive, Koshka, Ozo, etc. lack these skills and long-term are better suited to the jungle. I know Lance and Grumpjaw are top laners and don’t fit this definition. I would argue Lance is almost a ranged hero and GJ is stupid tanky right now.

Any ranged hero can clear jungle. Part of the problem is high mobility heroes dominate jungle and so assassins are very popular. Arguably there weren’t alot of viable bruisers played in the jungle last patch. Plus the lack of viable laners mean less range heroes in jungle.

12 captains, 13 junglers, 23 laners. Total of 48 heroes. There should be at least 10 roam, 10 jungle, and 29 laners for proportional representation.

The issue is TS is a better version than On Point through the first 4 levels on a tankier hero with omni-directional escape. They should have nerfed some of the base damage and/or increased early level cooldowns.

It has a long stun to be able to hit his B, but it’s relatively easy to not trigger, when he is in that stance, don’t hit him.

I know how it works. Doesn’t need to be me that triggers it though.