A toxicity system idea and why things like this won't exist in VG

I like ur ideas especially the fading one, a little ambiguous but at the same time informative. I think they did it so it will sort of trap the trolls? Not knowing will make them spam it thus rendering it useless. As for up votes, the only thing I could think of is the reduce great karma. If it doesn’t have the same premise as down votes, then more people will have great karma. Maybe the intention is not to lower the great karma players (they could easily nerf the glory rewards) but to just balance it out.

I never believed that system did anything anyway, you can’t polish a turd. Whatever “data” they’ve collected didn’t do any good since the game has progressively gotten worse for players.

Yep, agree with that sentiment completely. There seems to be little desire within SEMC to fix it, considering we’ve been stuck with it for basically 3 years.

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Mmmmm I believe you, just think it’s poorly designed in terms of in game toxicity and the karma system. Unless someone does something to ruin the experience for others I’m giving them an upvote, even if they’ve played badly.

Let’s be honest everyone accepts that SEMC haven’t done enough to stamp out toxicity.

Roaming is a prime example; I accept that if I’m third draft I should roam, and I immediately indicate this to my team mates with my preferred roam choice. However most refuse to do this, and 20/30% simply choose a second laner / jungler in game. I find this incredible toxic, it’s a giant “fuck you” I’m going to play what I want to play regardless of how it impacts the draft and the match. 9/10 times this results in a snowball and a wasted 15/20 minutes for everyone involved including the guy who ruined draft. Of course this doesn’t impact teams or those who play regaulrky with friends but it’s an every day reality for the vast majority of the player base.

My solution to toxicity:
In game up votes give you +5% glory after the match. Down votes give you -5% glory. Your vote total is shown end of match and explained after match with a little “?” near the glory bonus or loss. Karma would move to a numerical system in addition to the visual icon. Once per week you get a “Great Karma” chest. VG need better carrots and sticks without kicking players.


I think partly it has to do with the community as well. The VG fans tend to think if it exist somewhere else then it’s okay to be in VG. Idk how that’s an excuse for anything. VG wants to be the best and original in everything yet they do not try to tackle these issues. I feel fans should be responsible and active in pushing this ideas. Voicing them out, making these issues exposed in a wider range. Then, semc has to deal with it but until then it’s just going to be “down vote and move on”.

Too much power to the player, same reason why a player can’t ban other players.

Those are false equivalencies. Players already affect karma rating which affect glory bonus. Making it transparent will educate players on proper etiquette. Weekly payouts will reward consistency. Nowhere am I suggesting players ban players.

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Let’s make captain fun again?
Proceeds to nerf all captain damage…

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Great karma does not exist. The old karma system was a million times better.

Upvotes don’t exist in EU… If you get 2 while solo carrying the entire match you are lucky…

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Daylighting a lot of their systems would be a huge help. Most of the salt I see out there is from people not knowing how a system works (toxicity and reporting, or matchmaking with mmr/vst and party-queue), assuming it should work a specific way, and then getting frustrated when it doesn’t.

For instance, a lot of people think that because they’ve dropped from Great to Good Karma, it must mean they’ve been downvoted. But no, in truth, they just haven’t been upvoted enough recently. This leads to players not trusting the karma system, which leads them to not use it, which leads to a lot more people dropping Great Karma, which in turn leads to people being more willing to act poorly, either instalocking or spamming pings or whatever else.

The biggest thing SEMC could do is give better feedback, more often, for player behavior. Let someone know when they’ve been downvoted for things, or encourage them with a notice that they haven’t been downvoted recently. This transparency would give people more confidence in the system, which would lead to them using it more, which makes the whole thing more effective.


Good point but I believe by revealing, it will give trolls a better understanding on they can abuse it. I think there shouldn’t be negative control like down votes. Just up votes. Wanna troll? Go ahead, don’t up vote. All I need is 5 a day, I can get it elsewhere. I’m going by the proposed idea in the OP.

I haven’t read all of these so my suggestion might have been said but you could make the rewards scale wiht account level so younger get glory and older get ice/opals/essence

Just to echo your thought: when my great Karma drops to good Karma after a match that I actually played well in, and our team even wins is disconcerting to say the least. Knowing why would be very helpful. I could also gauge whether or not I’m being trolled, or if I need to adjust my game.

Tend to agree, gettting upvoted by the enemy is unheard of, and your lucky if you get upvoted by your own team.

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I myself no longer bother… Unless someone was spectacular or made memorable plays I don’t always upvote unless the match was really good.

If I get snowballed I will upvote my enemies and my allies who play well…

i still upvote and downvote accordingly to player performance.

i don’t bother for blitz sometimes… but that’s about it.

i don’t let the fact that i seldom get upvotes bother me. It’s a mindset matter, i rather do it than not.

I view it as a matter of courtesy. Manners. Politeness. Like life in general, it is a choice to say “please” and “thank you”… “you’re welcome”… “excuse me”… etc. If somebody doesn’t say it back, its no bother.

Just continue being polite.


Agreed. Toxicity breeds traffic. Blizzard can try to reduce todicity because they are just so big.