I want to talk about two things in this topic here, mainly 3v3.(Which isn’t very good, especially with the MM)
Saw is always a hero I’ve seen mainly as a troll pick. This is because he is a big choice for noobs(new players) to use. I started doing some 3v3 games(ranked) with my bro, did 3v3 because we will have one idiot on our team instead of 3. No jokes, the first two games the other guy instalocked Saw. This is probably one of the reasons why I dislike him. (I won’t post these ones due to laziness. You can check on an api site if you care enough)
The first game, the Saw had pretty poor gameplay. He played through the first jungle rotation before going to the lane, rip some of my gold.(I was playing Adagio,support) Basically, he got carried by us. It turns out his 5v5 rank is VG bronze and his 3v3 is 6. (I was at 5 silver at the time) The second game, the saw was actually good though and we tore through the enemy team. Both times the enemy team used fortress as support, is he supposed to be good this update?
The next ranked game we did was my failed attempt at using Anka. Turns out I can’t play her very well, that loss was basically my fault.
The one after that, the guy instalocks krul in. We decided to just joke on this match and he goes CP Vox, I go WP Saw. We both go lane. The enemy team’s support is fortress(Why again?? Doesn’t seem very good, maybe in 5v5) They have a SilverNail and Anka, both went CP(Ouch) My bro’s rank is 4 silver, and was matched with the SilverNail(who was also rank 4 silver, in a party with someone. But this guy was clearly not very good at the game)
My bro is actually pretty good at the game, but doesn’t play that much. So vg matching that up was sad.
Anyways, we just both pushed lane and they had a very hard time. We really should not have won with that lineup though. We won the match, and It lead me to question something. Can Saw actually be viable in 3v3? Maybe the reason I hate him so much is because people who I play with suck at him. He is awfully fun to use in any case.
The next thing I wanted to focus on: Ozo
WP Ozo in 3v3. Build: SM | BP | SB | BS | JB | Husk |
This worked very well for me. In the one with vox and taka I could easy 3v1. In the other one, I could still pull it off with a little ambush. Ozo’s A will give crazy burst heal and damage, it is devastating early and late game. His B will chase, you get speed boost after 2 jumps, and his Ult is a Stun with a fairly good cooldown. I used ozo’s B to chase the Baron using his B to try to run away. It was lots of fun playing with him too. At least in 3v3, this a good build?
In all the games we did, I reached rank 6 in 3v3, so I get the kestrel skin. We were just playing for fun, and I have a much better time playing when we play together. But you’d think you would get better players on your team because you are doing ranked games right? Nope. I though the Skaarf was a new player, the way he played. Always going into the enemy team, not sticking with us. Cmon
TL;DR: This ran very long, basically: Can Saw actually be good, at least in 3v3?
WP Ozo in 3v3: I was busting people with him, what do you think?