3.8 won't kill the tank meta, and why it shouldn't have to

If they already got hit by CC and they are a carry or something who was caught out, they deserve to die and be locked down. RB in this game is a get out of jail card that needs the skill to use, but that doesn’t stop it from being a get out of jail card. If you’re playing something like Lance and position yourself to do a 5 man stun a block is just heartbreaking to watch because there is no counter play.

The easiest thing to follow up on is Cath stun and that’s easy to block if Catherine is chasing you down. Everything else needs you to be positioned to follow up on or not be baited, like Phinn stun.

What’s this tank meta people are talking about? :confused:
In my experience teams with more DPS usually win, cause as soon as you bring down even one carry of a double captain/utility comp they’re forced into retreat.

BTW 3.8 changes are too unpredictable in their meta effect, cause most of the changes seem to counteract their intended effects: more gold - expensive items, lower defense - lower offence, more experience - higher experience requisites.
One thing’s clear though, heroes that deal ‘missing hp’ damage or high natural damage without a lot of items will probably be very popular, because these heroes will be able to hold onto their overall power while everyone else gets nerfed. I’ll admit I haven’t thought about the game in these terms for a while, so probably will take a while to catch on to the whole meta analysis.

You’re right that losing a carry can hurt a tank focused team, but in all honesty it’s still the best team comp by far this patch and there is a reason all the pros used 2-3 tanks when qualifying for WESG.

If you play 4 carries and just a captain for protection your team will literally fall apart.