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I’ve been pronouncing it correctly !!!

Sweet sweet victory

Bonus round - does everyone just read “Venom” when they see @Ve3nNo0wM





That sounds correct :joy: :joy:

lol. yes, it’s pronounced VENOM. i just made it up with letters and numbers because i want a consistent name across all platforms without somebody stealing it. So far, so good.

don’t you get those problems? @Moose and @hazeleyes ? or do you just make up other names if it’s already taken ?

LookAMoose is my variant if Moose is already taken. Original I know, but it’s worked for years

Sometimes I branch out and use a made up name that means nothing and starts with a V :joy: those names are always odd

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I’ve been pretty successful getting hazeleyes in games … if there’s a new game I’m interested in, I’ll try to jump in and register it quickly, even if I don’t actually play it right away.

An alternative is therealhazeleyes which I’ve had to resort to a couple of times.

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Hmm… sometimes I wonder why some of the people commenting even bother to stick around.

All I see are complains and spite. If you want change, say it in a manner that doesn’t come across as hostile. One’s tone is important even if one is anonymous on the web.

Anyway, thanks for the answers idmonfish. I know how your name is pronounced because of that time you were on Shatter the Vain podcast.

Well people have a right to be pretty disappointed with some of the decisions made and the outcomes of those decisions. That said there is still a core of a great game to VG, and I am hoping they manage to grow that.


Because like all of us here, they care about the game.

Comments like that are particularly unhelpful, as they are dismissive of both the posts and the posters. People are free to share both positive and negative comments here – in a diverse community like this one, there are always going to be differing opinions about change. (And after all, there’s a LOT of change coming in this patch.)


The critical chance for Tornado Trigger and Tyrant’s Monacle is stated as -

Critical Chance

  • 35% → 35%

what is this change in terms of real game play ? 35% to 35% ? is there a cap? because from youtube videos it seems it can never actually reach 100% even with all TT’s.

is this simply an oversight ? it’s kinda weird when i read that in the patch notes. typo ?

Ive played Vg for more than 3 years now and I cant be salty about it?

I not usually aggressive when it comes to things I dont agree with but when I see VGs actions and how they decide to carry on with things… It makes me triggered…

Me saying the stuff I say In a salty* way is the easiest ways on the web for me to release my anger without popping a blood vessel tryna hold it in. < 3



Its happened because they tried a change in the PBE testing (and there were lots and lots for this one and lots of iterative tweaking) and ended up back where they started - so it shouldn’t have made it through into the patchnotes but since the last patch changes are just the last notes they give us in PBE it slipped through.

Yes, I understand that.

I find somethings disappointing as well, but I’ve been playing for so long that I’ve become de-sensetise towards most changes.

The game’s great, it’s just the matter of how one approaches it and what level does one want to play at.

I mainly play Brawl modes, so balance changes though impactful, are second to me. I do keep track of them and do the numbers, hence why I made a detailed post on the defence changes on reddit.

To me, low levels of play will be crazy but the most fun due to the wacky ways players approach things at that level.

High levels of play to me tends to be “meta this, meta that” and stricter in what to do or not do. I don’t mind that, but it is a source of complain and boredom because it’s a rather constant meta.

Yes, I understand they care.

Let me clarify what I actually meant by what I’ve stated.

Expressions of salt and asking for a change without giving constructive feed back leads nowhere.

Sure, it gives those reading the impression of what’s being disliked and what approach could the devs do to remedy that.

I don’t mind expressing dislike about a change and saying why it’s dislike.

What I don’t like is when one complains and puts blames on devs for “not knowing what they’re doing.”

Like, hello? Are you a person who understand their capabilities? Have you done the numbers and the hours to put the things together?

That’s what I don’t like.

Another one I don’t like is those expressing they “quit the game.”

If you want to leave, then leave. Don’t say words that express an action of finality and not go with it.

Instead of saying that, say that: “I’m taking a break. See you in the next patch or other where things are to my liking. I’ll be around in the community cause I like them.” Or something like that.

Anyway, I think I’ve accidently triggered a few people, and for that, I’m sorry.

I’m just easily irked by somethings.

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Everyone can express their salt. I do that myself too.

What I meant “not coming across as hostile” is that comments shouldn’t target specific individuals.

It’s degrading and honestly shallow to target people through internet comments.

I’m not saying that people can’t complain without giving any feedback.

Just don’t give comments that degrade a person’s capabilities such as saying “the devs don’t know what they’re doing” or something along those lines.

I don’t know really which one gives my high blood pressure.

Some in-game imbalance leading to cheese strats, the convuluted currency exchange in game, or somethings that the community tend to harp like a broken record.

SPEAKING of cheese strats, RIP Grump SwallowPort. @idmonfish did someone in particular bring this up or :joy:

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I think the fact that it was not very punishable in pro play made it clear it was a problem.

Cheese strats are nice and all, but only tolerable in probably non-pro play and game modes which are designed with cheese in mind.

Looks like now the whole team is gonna have Fountain and crucible lol.

How is taka cp in pbe? Is he dangerous again

Ah yes the “Max Green Nerf”…