3.4 State of Lyra

Probably still Kesnei he still looks strong I could be wrong though.

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Phin? Yes. Lorelai? Yes, Reza? Maybe?

I said her because new heroes are usually worth banning, and I haven’t tried her so Idk how strong she is, reason why I put a question mark.

she will get banned a lot at the start of 3.4. just for being new. if she then is considered to be actually op, it will stay that way, otherwise the bans will shift towards stronger heroes.

she will also be banned because she is new, so no one is good with her (but she doesnt seem too hard to play. i might be wrong though)

Lyra, Grace, Taka, Kensei. I think Malene, Reza, Fort get through this patch due to the AS nerf and hero nerfs. TT Taka is going to strong due to the massive base atk speed boost. His Jungle clear is going to be reallly good.

Taka insta ban then.
Simple hehe

Yep. He will probably be an insta ban.

On a whole AA heroes are getting a buff. The base attack speed increase is going to help. I think the TT speed buff is also going to help. Ringo, BF, Glaive, Taka, Joule, Kensei all just got stronger. Other heroes can use TT but I think these pair best with TT.

Phinn is gonna be stronger than Lyra or ardan
Heres why-
With capacitor plates,
1)passive1- Ardan and lyra get more barrier/heal true
BUT they can pretty much give it to only a single hero or a weakened heal to each hero if given to more than one hero
Whereas phinn’s increased barrier gets to 5 heroes.
2)passive2- Ardan and lyra have a speed boost on their A anyway and this 2nd passive wont really make itself noticeable
BUT this passive on phinn is going to be crazy and its pretty much like phinn’s epic talent lmao.
Oh look every hero on phinn’s team turned into reim.


I feel like Taka is gonna shift more towards a top lane pick than a jungle pick. He still gets outclassed in the jungle due to his kit and it isn’t like you’re gonna have a TT right off the bat in the game. In the lane on the other hand his invis should get him out of problematic situations and his AA is now normalized.
This means instead of it being 1.1 it is 0.7 and then 0.6 bc of the global change IIRC. Having TT seems sort of counter-intuitive anyways because his perk gives him a speed boost and you can just build SSW BP TM and double defense. But who knows the last time I had to use WP Taka was in a ranked match this update in the bot lane and I just had to snowball hard.

Lyra will be very strong this update, especially with capacitor’s plate and her already high heal will become even stronger, making up for the burst heal nerf.

Lorelai will be incredible next update, her mobility, Reza and Kensei nerfed, less delay with her A, and along with Pulsewave will be incredibly annoying not to mention her Barrier which is already very strong can get even stronger with capicitors plate, making her a hero good for protect-a-carry comp or a dive comp which involve’s someone like Blackfeather and put her 2000 health barrier on him and watch him wreck the enemy team.

Phinn will be very good, especially with the mobility buff on the river and normal movement speed. Not to mention capacitor’s plate + Polite company. It’s going to be cancerous.

Off meta captains become meta… Makes my day :slight_smile:

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Correction: phin gives FH, not barriers.

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Taka would be losing his power spikes as top laner. If we are talking about WP of course. Jungle or bot would be much better as he can put his good mid game to use.